Harm and benefits of milk for adults and children

Harm and benefits of milk for adults and children
 During Soviet times, were well-known words of a children's song, "Drink, children, milk - be healthy! "It seems to be no doubt about it. However, dairy products can affect the body both positively and negatively.
 We often hear that a food product, like milk, and other foods made from it, it is not as useful as many people believe. Moreover, they are harmful. So useful milk or harmful?

What are the benefits of milk

The composition of milk includes a number of useful substances:
- Amino acids (including the essential);
- Organic fatty acids;
- A variety of vitamins;
- Minerals, including calcium and phosphorus, which are necessary for bone tissue.

Other minerals (sodium, iron, zinc, iodine, fluorine, copper, manganese, etc.) are actively involved in metabolic processes, and lack of at least one of them can negatively affect health. Milk has good taste. There are multiple data confirmed that fresh milk (especially goat) helps in the treatment of various allergic and skin diseases, such as dermatitis. Also it is used in complementary feeding of infants.

Milk contains many different enzymes that help break down and absorb the other components of food, especially fats and vegetable proteins. This product was used in cosmetology. From it you can cook a variety of masks to moisturize the skin. It is also possible to find commercially cosmetics which contain whey used to eliminate wrinkles.

Finally, the milk is relatively inexpensive costs, which is important for low-income people. However, to find on sale, such as goat's milk is not so simple.

Why do many experts have come to believe that milk is harmful

According to the results of research carried out in recent decades, many scientists and doctors have come to believe that harm from milk substantially more than good.

Things reached the point that the experts at Harvard Medical School (one of the most famous and prestigious medical centers) recommended the deletion of milk from a list of useful products.

Firstly, numerous statistics suggest that the milk fat can trigger the development of atherosclerosis, which in turn often leads to heart attacks and strokes, as well as problems with the cardiovascular system.

Secondly, due to the fact that cows give milk production to increase special additives admixed to the hay and silage in milk increases dramatically different concentrations of harmful substances that are hazardous to the body. Regular consumption of such milk may trigger the development of a number of diseases, including several types of cancer.

Third, there are cases of allergy to cow's milk protein. By the way, not all caring parents, to adhere strictly to the old principle of "the child should drink each day over a glass of milk", know that milk is considered one of the most powerful food allergens, along with peanuts, citrus fruits and eggs. Manifestations of this allergy can take different forms, ranging from skin rash, accompanied by a slight itching to severe intestinal disorders, nausea and vomiting. That is why cow's milk is not recommended to be administered in the diet of young children. And if this can not be avoided, it should be boiled.

Fourth, many people suffer from intolerance to milk because of the fact that their body is not produced or the enzyme lactase decomposing lactose or produced in insufficient quantities. As a result, when the body undigested lactose enters the large intestine, it is exposed to micro-organisms constituting the local microflora. As a consequence, there bloating, and diarrhea accompanied by pain.

Especially a lot of people in East and Southeast Asia. Therefore, for example, residents of Japan practically do not use milk and milk products.

Mainly milk intolerance inherent in adults. However, it can be a child, even the baby. Symptoms of this unpleasant phenomenon:
- Kid anxiously behaves;
- Often cries;
- During feeding releases the nipple;
- Unnaturally curved;
- It is slowly gaining weight, or (in severe cases of intolerance to milk) begins to lose weight;
- The chair becomes a quickened, or, conversely, unnaturally rare.

Harm and benefits of milk for adults and children

In this case, the pediatrician recommends to transfer the baby on artificial feeding.

Finally, many investigators questioned the use of milk as a source of trace elements, calcium and phosphorus, essential for bone tissue. Referring to the results of scientific experiments, observations, they claim that the regular consumption of milk, on the other hand, can lead to a decrease in the concentration of these substances in the bone and, consequently, to its fragility.

All this, of course, does not mean that fans of milk and lactic acid foods should immediately abandon their use. However, if possible, would not hurt to change the magazine milk house, a guy who received a cow, eat only natural dry and succulent fodder without various additives.

Tags: baby, milk, milk, use, adult, damage