Benefits and harms of dietary salt

Benefits and harms of dietary salt
 Despite the fact that salt has no nutritional value, in some cases, it is still necessary for the body, because it has diverse effects. With skillful use of it, it is very different, and only the abuse of the insidious enemy.  
 The use of dietary salt is useful in many diseases and conditions. For example, persons asthenic (lean) body suffering from low blood pressure, is recommended to eat a slice of salted bread. After this snack pressure very quickly restored.

Salt is necessary in poor flow of bile. This problem often faced the full, gipodinamichnye women, mostly with blond or red hair. If you experience pain in the right upper quadrant them enough to put a pinch of salt under the tongue to ease their condition or completely relieve the pain.

The need for salt occurs in hot weather, when the body loses a lot of fluid, and when working in the hot shop when there is heavy sweating, causing dehydration. So it was salt prevents this process and helps to avoid electrolyte imbalance and caused them problems with blood pressure, heart rate, as well as misting consciousness and pouring sweat.

The main damage to dietary salt is associated with entrapment in the body of water. At absolute health is not reflected in state of health. However, in patients suffering from an elevated pressure, problems may begin with the vessels tonus and improves a salt. From the excessive use of salty foods may suffer and cores. Excess fluid in the body, which keeps the sodium ions creates an additional burden on the heart and causes swelling, mostly on the legs.

Sodium ions and chloride are derived mainly kidneys, so if you have any problems with them should not be loading their activities even more. At any diseases of the urinary system is a salt-free diet. Need to limit salt occurs and gastric ulcer.

Even if your health does not cause any problems should not be too much seasoning salt dishes. Its excess can trigger a migraine attack, asthma, poor circulation, metabolism. Permanent and long lasting excessive salt intake causes fluid retention in the body and thus creates a strain on the veins. Because of this, they expand, and in the future it appears varicose veins and hemorrhoids.

Table salt contains only 2 microcell sodium and chlorine. But the body needs much more nutrients. And they really can be obtained if we replace common salt sea, in which there is a 65 trace elements. But, even so, it should be consumed in moderation, especially those who suffer from diseases of the heart, kidneys, bladder, blood vessels, high blood pressure and stomach.

Tags: salt, benefits, harm, eating