The chemical composition of foods

The chemical composition of foods
 The chemical composition of food - is the key to our health and longevity. What he varied and natural, the more benefit we get from the food consumed. There is a certain list of organic and inorganic compounds that play an important role in biochemical processes occurring in our body.  

The basic structure of food: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Proteins - a krupnomolekulyarnyh organic compounds, which are composed of amino acids and are the basic building blocks of our cells. Deficiency of protein in the diet leads to various disturbances in the systems and organs and is manifested primarily protein-free edema. The main source of protein - is the meat of animals, birds, fish, and to a lesser extent cereals, beans and mushrooms (vegetable proteins). Proteins contain essential amino acids which must always come from food in humans.

Fats - triglycerides is higher saturated or unsaturated fatty acids, which are sources of energy and building blocks for cell meembran. In products of plant and animal origin present different composition fats. The most useful of these - are plant fats (oils), which contain in their composition the higher unsaturated fatty acids. Recent prevent the formation of harmful cholesterol and atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

Carbohydrates - organic substances (monosaccharides and polysaccharides), which act primarily as a primary energy source. The greatest amount of carbohydrates present in cereals and vegetables (starch), fruit (fructose and glucose, pectin), sweets.

In addition, the food composition includes various types of water- and fat-soluble vitamins that play a role coenzymes catalysts metabolic processes. Vitamins are involved in the regulation of biochemical processes, but serve as energy or plastic materials. The greatest amount of vitamins contained in fresh and natural foods.

Food products also contain water, minerals, organic acids, which are also active participants and metabolism of wellness.

But, keep in mind that semi-finished products and manufacturing of industrial contain impurities (colorants, preservatives, flavors, flavor enhancers, stabilizers), which not only are good, but also causes stress excretory systems and increase the risk of developing allergies.

Tags: fat product, food, protein composition, carbohydrate