Benefits and harms of decaffeinated coffee

Benefits and harms of decaffeinated coffee
 Strong cup of coffee - it is something without which they can not imagine the morning a lot of people. This drink does not just help to wake up, it gives courage, strength returns and uplifting. What? You can not coffee? Do not worry about it too much. Because now invented a safer analogue of coffee that does not contain caffeine.

What is a mysterious dekofeinezirovanny this coffee? Many believe that with the deprivation of caffeine, drink coffee and loses all of its remarkable properties, for which so loved by consumers. In fact, this is absolutely untrue. The fact is that the view is based on the data obtained at the beginning of the invention of decaffeinated coffee. Then the technology was still not modified and the final product is really very different from that to which consumers are accustomed to. But now everything has changed. Extracting caffeine from the beans - fully process, passing the most modern equipment. That is why today distinguish the taste of regular coffee decaffeinated not even the most skilled taster.

The absence of caffeine - a definite plus for those who care about their own health. After all, this alkaloid causes vasodilation and greatly increases the overall tone of the cardiovascular system. People suffering from heart disease and high blood pressure, caffeine is contraindicated. However, decaffeinated coffee does not have such an effect, so it can be used even in diets.

For a long time it was thought that the lack of caffeine beans affects the strength of the drink, but scientists have completely refuted this assumption. The fact that caffeine has a stimulating effect on the human nervous system, but a bitter astringent taste and unique aroma of coffee beans give the other ingredients. Therefore, brewing coffee decaffeinated beans, you get the same delicious and strong drink, whatever got from conventional grains, not subject to change.

But there are also disadvantages. If you prefer to drink decaffeinated coffee exclusively for reasons of taking care of your health, it is worth thinking about how exactly this coffee is prepared. After all, in order to highlight the grain of caffeine they are exposed to organic substances solvents. And residues of these solvents may be contained in the beverage, which is not especially useful. In addition, recent studies have shown that coffee dekofeinezirovanny increases blood cholesterol levels. This is due not so much by the absence of caffeine, so much that they produce mainly a coffee of Robusta beans, which is very rich in fats.

Of course, only you can decide what to drink coffee, but before you finally stop your choice on one form or another drink, think about your health. After all, sometimes choosing something new and not fully tested, one risks being cheated. Be careful.

Tags: drink, use, damage, caffeine