5 Indian spices for Women's Health

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 Indian spices: cinnamon, cumin, cloves, ginger, saffron, not only enrich the taste of food, they are able to positively affect women's health. They are used to eliminate gynecological problems in cosmetology, to combat obesity.

If the use of cinnamon in small amounts a day can reduce the amount of cholesterol and help the body to regulate blood sugar. Therefore, cinnamon is useful diabetes, as well as wishing to lose weight. For women, cinnamon is of particular value yet because of that tea can reduce her pain arising during menstruation. Also, cinnamon is used in the composition of body wraps, it helps eliminate subcutaneous fat, supports skin elasticity.


This spice is also called cumin or caraway. Zira - a natural antiseptic, in addition it is a diuretic and tonic effect, stimulates the removal of toxins from the body. The use of spices helps get rid of nausea and bloating in early pregnancy. Useful seasoning lactating women, it stimulates lactation.


Clove has antimicrobial activity, helps get rid of pathogenic bacteria used in antiparasitic treatment. Spice helps improve the tone of the uterus, is used in the treatment of scanty menstruation, normalizes cycle. Also carnation is the perfect aphrodisiac.


Ladies who want to part with overweight, this condiment is especially useful. Ginger tea, drunk half an hour before a meal, will help blunt the feeling of hunger, and you will eat much less than usual. In addition, the seasoning helps cleanse the body of toxins, which has a positive effect on the skin. Ginger is also useful during pregnancy, it relieves the symptoms of toxicity.


Seasoning stimulates digestion, relieves cramps of the stomach, helps to remove gases. In gynecology saffron is used as a means of stimulating and regenerating the menstrual cycle. Often it is used to relieve pain of childbirth.

Tags: health, spice, woman