Sybarite, nutrition program

Sybarite, nutrition program
 Nutrition program "Sybarite" developed by Elena Stoyanova, will not only help in the fight against excess weight, but also facilitate the transition to adherence to proper nutrition and maintaining a positive result. The basis of this method is a special cocktail "sybarite". A prerequisite for the success of this program is to supply the strict implementation instructions for preparation and use of a cocktail.
 Intense stage. This stage lasts from one to four weeks. In this case, the weight loss of a pound a week up to 2 kg, more intense loss can negatively affect health. Any diet that restricts calorie intake in the diet can lead to gastritis, ulcers, or "disorder" of the organism as a whole. So much hunger is not recommended, it is better to eat raw cabbage or carrots, which contain a small amount of carbohydrates.

Cocktails on a daily rate:

 -500g Soft cheese: fat 0-0, 6%, 8-10 g of protein per 100g.

 - Berries or fruit number 2, 5 U.Ya. is "conditional apple", absolutely any taste fruit or part of the size of a conventional medium apple 150-170 g, containing 12-17 grams of carbohydrates. This may be a pear, nectarine, peach, slice of melon, tangerine, a few apricots, grapes, plums, any fruit, etc. Per 100 g serving of cottage cheese put 0, 5 U.Ya. 500 g of cheese requires 375-400g fruit or 2 U.Ya. 5, the amount of carbohydrates is not more than 40 g

 - On a fine grater grate the fruit with edible peel. Oranges and similar fruits should be exempt from the skins. Add cheese and stir until the state of homogeneity. Blender will facilitate the process of preparation. Sugar and sweeteners add prohibited.

The resulting cocktail should be divided into five portions. Eat drink should slowly, with a small spoon.

In addition to this cocktail a day in intensive stage will need:

 • Grain meal: 60 g of bran or corn bread or porridge made of coarse millet, oats, buckwheat, boiled beans or peas (200-250g).

 • Protein dish: 150 grams of cooked low fat meat (preferably white meat poultry) or 2 boiled eggs.

 • Braised and raw vegetables without starch (potatoes excluded from the diet). Pumpkin, carrots, beets are permissible only in raw form.

 • Fats: unrefined vegetable oil in an amount of 3 teaspoons.

 • Nuts: three large pieces of hazelnut or almond or walnut halves.

 • Cocoa: two teaspoons of cocoa without sugar, skim milk.


Breakfast №1: Two servings cocktails sybarites 180 ml + coffee or tea without sugar.

Breakfast №2: Grain dish + big salad of raw vegetables with a teaspoon of vegetable oil + nuts or olives. For half an hour before lunch should take 1 serving cocktails (180 ml).

Dinner: Protein dish + big salad of raw vegetables with a teaspoon of oil + boiled or baked vegetables. The number of non-starch vegetables is not limited. If possible, refrain from the use of salt.

Dinner: Two servings cocktails sybarites (360 mL). In the evening, it is recommended to drink a cup of cocoa without sugar.

Continuation phase. How hard to refrain from the previous regime meal on the intensive phase, but much harder to keep the results of a grueling diet after passing through this stage. At this stage of the program diet should include three servings of cocktail for one day. Sources of protein to be low-fat, and in salads, cereals and other vegetable oils should be added not more than one tablespoon per day. Many of the "broken" at this stage. You should also add a little amount of proteins and carbohydrates in the diet, it is recommended to increase and exercise as running, swimming, jumping rope. Since all this is exhausting for the body should be given more time to sleep.

 Author: Splinter

Tags: program, meal, nutrition, orange, sybarite