Moles and their significance from the point of view of science
Birthmarks are targeted by any part of our body and they appear mainly due to genetic predisposition. However, new moles, due to hormonal changes, some malfunction of the immune system or under ultraviolet light, and can occur throughout life.
Doctors called the most common type of moles nevi. They argue that the nevi can be dangerous to humans, and it absolutely does not threaten markings species which can only be determined by careful research. And those and others in appearance is often very similar. They can have as a kind of flat pigment spots of different color and shape of convex knobs on a thin stalk or broad education. Moles are also different sizes and is large or small, is not a decisive factor for the accurate determination of their quality. And here's where themoles on the body, the importance of has important. This allows you to set the degree of attention paid to them by the experts.
The more dangerous moles in terms of doctors? First of all, the fact that they are able to regenerate into malignant tumors, the main cause of which is excessive exposure to sunlight. Provoke serious illness and injury may moles, and disruption of the hormonal and immune systems. Therefore treat our birthmark specks need care, as little as possible to expose them to the sun and rubbing clothing or jewelry. Otherwisemoles on the body of the value acquire sinister. They significantly increase the risk of deadly formations that can develop without any obvious external manifestations for several years.
When you have many moles desirable to renounce the use of scrubs, which is composed of solid particles and hard pads. Parts of the body on which there are moles, not subject to shave. Since they can not be removed and hairs using an epilator or tweezers. If we get rid of this vegetation - an act necessary, the hairs can be neatly cut small scissors. With large as nevi, in general, should be treated very carefully and under no circumstances prevent them from damage during washing or peeling.
People with an abundance of moles is not recommended to visit a solarium. In addition, it is undesirable too often go to the bath or sauna - hot air can provoke malignancy. Well, of course, we must try to expose themselves less summer under the scorching rays of the sun and always, even in cloudy weather, use a sunscreen that the skin is processed every two hours. After bathing in salt water body should be rinsed with fresh water and then wipe dry. In summer it is advisable to wear such people only loose clothing made of natural fabrics, avoiding tight clothes.
In order to prevent skin cancer should be thoroughly inspected at least once a month, their moles and ensure that they have straight edges, symmetrical shape and uniform color. If any of the moles began to arouse suspicion - began to increase, ill or suffered injury, you should not delay the case indefinitely, refer to onkodermatologu. It was he able to professionally inspect the mole and determine if it is an urgent removal. If a doctor gave a positive response, remove moles have only medical facility - beauty treatments, designed primarily for aesthetic correction, can not guarantee the absence of complications in the future.
It is desirable to remove moles that are on the ground, most at risk of injury - on the hands, neck, feet and so on. Modern methods of surgical excision of nevi and take into account the aesthetic aspect of addressing this issue, so even after such an operation on the face or neck after the disappearance of moles do not have almost no trace. Of course, it is impractical to try to get rid of all existing moles - this does not preclude the emergence of new ones. Should delete only those entities that carry a clear threat to the degeneration into malignant tumors.
Here is amoles on the body of the value have a position medicine. Now let's see how they treat the followers of mystical tendencies.
Birthmarks on the body. Determining the fate and character of the person
Moles have long been attributed magical properties, which were not always inspiring optimism character. For example, in the Middle Ages they were regarded as signs of the devil, and the Grand Inquisitor enthusiastically sent to the owners of the birthmarks on the martyrdom of torture and burned them at the stake.
But these times, thank God, had passed away, and moles on the body of the value of acquired another. They began to look attractive and even in vogue: artificial flies, in order to look sexy, everywhere stuck on the upper lip of the fairer sex. In their view, such otmetinki symbolized the deep sensuality, femininity and a penchant for frivolity. Oddly enough, even modern science supports such a version. Based on the results of the research, pundits concluded that sexually active women is directly proportional to the number of moles on her body. There is a logical confirmation: our libido depends on the length of telomeres, and what is the greater, the more and moles.
Moles and their meaning in the fate of man from time immemorial have been studied over, called moleoskopiey. The followers of this movement have created a system in which each of us can, focusing on the number and location of moles, to know that it in this life is waiting. And surrounding it, in turn, to establish the nature of moles, inclinations of a person. So if nevi are on the back, they show the generosity of its owner, on the nose - on its success at the ankle - on the independence and diligence. Dimensions moles determine the degree of well-being, and the form shows the share of luck. A very good sign - a mole on his right shoulder or neck. It portends a lot of luck in all affairs. But the mole on his left shoulder indicates the set of problems that will be popping up on our life's journey, like a jack-the-box.
In a word,moles on the body and their importance- A topic that probably will never cease to be relevant. After all, nature does not skimp, rewarding them each and cunning, to the end without revealing the essence of our birth-spots. And so, let's give them the meaning which we prefer! Because for some reason they need ... So let it "for some reason" brings as much pleasure.
Olga Kocheva
Women's magazine JustLady