Do you want to strengthen your nails and hair? Eat melon, in its composition, there are a range of vitamins and minerals. It is rich in calcium, iron, sodium, potassium, vitamins A, B2, PP and B1. Men looking to increase potency, is recommended to eat melon seeds.
People suffering from kidney disease, you can have an unlimited number of melon, because the fruit has a strong diuretic effect.
Well-known properties of melon relieves anxiety and improve mood, do not forget about it, when you feel bad.
Melon rind helps people who have problems with the circulatory system because the melon is a large amount of chlorophyll, essential for blood formation system. With it you can increase hemoglobin and the protective functions of the body. Grind in a blender melon peel and eat her food.
Estheticians use the healing properties of melon to treat acne, pimples and acne. Chop the pulp of the fruit, wrap in cheesecloth and leave on your face for 20 minutes, wanting to get rid of freckles, it is necessary to wipe the skin with a piece of melon twice a day. It is better if the pre-melon lie down a bit in the refrigerator.
Melon useful to use in the form of decoctions, if a person has problems such as constipation and hemorrhoids.
Sores and bruises are faster, if they are to make melon pulp. If you drink melon juice in combination with parsley, can be cured urolithiasis and expel parasites from the body. It should take in the morning on an empty stomach.