Independent yoga classes: choosing the right asanas

Independent yoga classes: choosing the right asanas
 The modern market offers a lot of literature and videos on yoga for self-study. However, even for a good book, it is difficult to choose among the many asanas correct and necessary. You can understand this by examining the impact of different yoga poses on the body.
 Most of the asanas can be divided into several groups: posture equilibrium (balance), wringing-stretching for the neck and shoulder area, wringing-stretch-and-compressing other parts of the spine, relaxation, inverted and combined. To manually create for themselves the right set of exercises, you need to take from each group to one of the asanas, which you like best. If you wish, you can solve a problem to pay special attention to the implementation of appropriate for this item.

Posture balance - balance sheets - strengthen the muscles of limbs, develop hardness and stability, tone the abdominal organs, warm up the body, reduce fat in the abdomen and thighs. These include urvasana (hip pose) angusthasana (stand on the tips of the toes), Vrikshasana (tree pose), bakasana (crane pose) parvatasana (mountain pose) vatayyasana-on (posture with bent knees) garudasana (Eagle Pose ), etc.

Wringing-stretching postures for neck and shoulder area excite the nervous and endocrine system, improve cerebral blood circulation, help to relieve muscle tension of the shoulder girdle. To achieve this effect, follow kamdhaarasanu (bridge on the head), gatakasanu (posture Cuckoo), dhanurasanu (bow pose) bhudzhangasanu (posture snakes), matsiasanu (fish pose), and others. However, keep in mind that these postures are not recommended for diseases thyroid.

A torsion-stretch-and-compressive posture for different parts of the spine allow relieve fatigue and stress, a positive effect on the digestive tract, kidneys, liver, spleen, pancreas, reproductive system, stretch the spine, increase blood circulation in all body systems. This group includes chandrasana (moon pose), vakrasana (trunk rotations) pashimatasana (stretching back), Trikonasana (triangle), surya namaskar ("the worship of the Sun"), supta vayrasana (knee pose), dzhanusirasana (golovokolennaya pose), parsvavakra marudandasana (torso).

Normalize tone, relieve fatigue, give out and discharge negative emotions, help to cope with stress, get rid of insomnia meditation and relaxation asanas: padmasana (lotus posture), savasana (dead pose or corpse pose), sidhasana (half lotus) sukhasana (seat in Turkish).

Inversions cause a rush of blood to the brain and contribute to the clarification of consciousness, the appearance of cheerfulness and get rid of fatigue. These include the situation upside down: sarvangasana (posture birch or candles) Viparita-Karani Mudra (stand on the shoulders and elbows), Sirshasana (headstand and elbows). But remember that inverted postures are contraindicated in heart disease, atherosclerosis and high blood pressure.

Combined postures are multilateral action. Most of them represents a synthesis of the different groups of asanas. For example, halasana (plow pose) combines birch posture and stretching the spine institution legs behind her head, Yoga Mudra - a lotus pose with bowed head, and vritssikasana (posture scorpion) - both stand on the elbows in an inverted position, hold the balance and flexion of the neck .

Choosing asana yoga, remember that the goal is not to their development and correct execution, and maintenance of health, strengthening the body's reserves and well-being. So try to use in the practice of yoga postures those who do not bring you any inconvenience, and effectively help to relax or put himself in tone.

Tags: group, occupation, choice, yogi, pose, asana