Charging for the back - keep your posture!

Charging for the back - keep your posture!
 Any doctor will tell you: a flexible spine and strong muscles are the key to a healthy back. Immediately after the man became bipedal on his spine collapsed a huge load (own weight and atmospheric pressure), which stand was not so simple. Homo erectus (Homo erectus) straightened his back, felt the crown of nature, but gained some back problems that became apparent especially in our sedentary time. Got out of bed, sat down at the desk, then at the sofa, then lay down again - time passes pleasantly, but absolutely no good for our health. The body begins to yearn for physical activity, blood stagnates, the metabolism is broken. What to do, who to blame? Let's talk about how to avoid all this and never suffer from back pain. Charging for the back - this theme offers a women's magazine JustLady, let's take your health in your hands and try to make a strong spine and posture straight. 

Back pain suffers almost 80% of the population. Their character may be different, but we'll talk about the pain caused by diseases of the spine. Temporary or chronic - they are the cause uncomfortably in most cases. The fact is that during the day the vertebrae are forced to experience a huge load, the distance between them decreases, and they begin to put pressure on the spinal cord.

The pain may be local in nature, or to give to any location of the body. Disc displacement provoke pain in the lower back, legs, neck and head.Charging for the back can become not only an excellent preventive tool, but also a way alleviate the manifestations of malaise, reduce the painful symptoms. Regular (reasonable!) Exercise will allow you to completely forget about the problems with his back. No wonder the ancient Aesculapius said the young man is determined by the flexibility of his spine.

Ways to get rid of chronic pain, exceptcharging for the backQuite a lot. One "but": drugs, massage bring only temporary relief. Without removing the cause of discomfort and pain to make your back healthy is impossible. To forget about chronic pain, it is necessary to develop the spine and strengthen back muscles - superficial, medium and deep. To do this, there are a number of exercises that can be divided into two types:Charging back stretching (stretching) andCharging back power (shaping). Suppose you are not afraid of these names, exercises are quite simple and you can learn them quickly.

The first time after exercise you will experience not the most pleasant experience - the muscles atrophied from long inaction would be "outraged" and capriciously hurt, but the result is worth it to endure all the unpleasant moments. If you tune in to the long-term performance, comply with all the recommendations and practice regularly for at least 20-30 minutes a day, you are sure to get a well-deserved reward. Spin stop aching, and strengthen the spine becomes flexible, and you will be back in a good mood and health. The basic rule during exercise: do they have to be smoothly, without sudden jerks, feeling the muscles work. And with good emotional mood - it will make more efficient charging.
Charging for the back - keep your posture!

Charging for the back - stretching exercises

1."Vis"If your home has a horizontal bar or wall bars - excellent. You can use a doorway or any suitable bar. Hooked on the bar arms outstretched and hanging freely without touching the floor legs as much as you can hold your weight. Take a break and repeat. This dailyCharging back help stretch the spine, lift clips.
2. "Cat": Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Bend over, hugged her palms behind the knees. Slowly raise back up as far as possible without moving your hands, and arching like a cat. Feel the stretch the back muscles, and blood flow is restored. Then release your hands, bend below and from this position, lift the back, arching in the opposite direction - bent at the waist and expanding the shoulders up. Perform 5-6 times.
3. "Ball": Sit on the floor in a pose of "embryo": bend your knees, clasp their hands and bowed her head. Alternately rolls on his back and fro, without changing his position. Perform 5-8 times.
4. "The Bridge": Exercise is best done with safety net to keep from falling. From a prone position or standing, as you will be more comfortable, get up in the gym bridge and wait for 10-15 sec., Arching her back. Without fanaticism!

Charging for the back - strengthens muscles

1. Lie on the floor, stretch your arms in front of you, turn palms facing each other. At the same time, lifting from the floor straight legs and arms (the maximum deflection in the back), lock position (4-5 sec.). Drop down to the starting position. Repeat 7-10 times. Doingexercises for backDo not forget to breathe evenly!
2. Starting position formerly. Sag in the back, in turn raising the opposite arm and a leg - the left foot with the right hand and vice versa. Repeat 8 times.
3. Turn on your back, arms at your sides. Feet on the floor, knees bent at a right angle. Gently lift the hips off the floor, trying to keep the hips and torso in a straight line. Repeat 15-20 times.
4. Stand up straight, bend your arms at the elbows and keep at chest level. Turn the body in different directions, straightening the arm in the direction of the turn, as if trying to reach the wall. Turn to the right - left hand, turn left - right hand. Perform 10-15 times in each direction.

After completingcharging for the back let the muscles relax. Sit on your heels (hands along the body, palms up and back) and slowly tilt your body down, pulling his head to the floor. Are in this position 30-40 sec., Until you feel like leaving the muscle tension. God bless you!

 Svetlana Krutova
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: Ambassador, posture, exercise, picture