Proper breathing while running

Proper breathing while running
 Slimming question now concerns not only women - overweight has become a real problem today. Every day the media present us with new and new technologies to reduce weight. But we all forget that the easiest and most effective way to get rid of extra pounds - running. Yes, it is running. We do not want to think about what our body - a system that we are programming on the regime that we need. We eat, therefore we obtain the energy that you need to spend. If there is such a waste, the body simply postpones this energy reserve. Sedentary lifestyle - that's what causes the body to store energy. Out of the situation - running. But how to properly run? Read about it in the women's online magazine JustLady.

First and foremost, you need to understand that running - it's great, because with its help accelerate metabolic processes and every organ is saturated with plenty of oxygen, and therefore healthier. To lose a few extra pounds, you need only a few months of intense jogging. To get rid of 10 pounds or more, will have to run much longer, while still eating a balanced and add a few other types of exercise.

Proper running - it running in the open air, away from the slopes and enterprises, where a large number of harmful gases. Begins to run with the need to run lasting no more than 20 minutes. You do not need to choose a fast pace. Properly run - is to run at a moderate pace over rough terrain. This is the run will create the optimal load body. Change the different types of races: a smooth transition from jogging to the steeplechase. It is important to have the right shoes for jogging. To cheer myself up, listen during a run to your favorite music. And, of course, watch out forproper breathing while running. If while running you will not breathe properly, all your efforts will be reduced to a minimum. Proper breathing while running - the key to rapid weight loss. All your energy reserves, as mentioned above, - a sort of fire. That it effectively burned, the flow of oxygen is needed. The more frequent and deeper breathing, the more lights your fire, and thus burn calories, reduced weight.

Those who are just starting jogging, mistakenly believe that huddling breath - a sign of high load, it will be a stimulus for fat burning. Not at all. Huddling breath - a sign of lack of oxygen in the body. And without oxygen organs suffer and even damaged. And about any weight loss can not be considered.

Proper breathing while running

What hasproper breathing while running? JustLady help you figure it out. We must remember that breathe - is a natural need of the body, which we just do not think. And think about it we start when it becomes difficult to breathe. And when we find it hard to breathe? When under extreme conditions we breathe as always accustomed to breathe - breast and superficial. Running requires a larger amount of oxygen. Accordingly,proper breathing while running different from the usual. How did need to breathe while jogging?

The first thing to always remember that proper breathing while running - it's free unhindered breathing through the nose. If you are getting hard to breathe, reset the tempo, but in no case do not start mouth breathing. However, sometimes a little longer you can breathe a mouth, but only outdoors. During this breath in the body gets negative ions forest or river of air, which is very good for health.

Proper breathing while running - It is a natural breath. In other words, you do not have to think about how to breathe correctly. This will give some artificiality run, will not allow the body to relax, which is very important for jogging. It is clear that to achieve naturalness of proper breathing while running will be difficult at first. However, after some time training will create the so-called reflex. Because the body will understand which method best suits him breathing while running and adjust to breathe necessarily during jogging. And what is naturalproper breathing while running? It's slow, deep and full breathing, which provides nursing and diaphragmatic breaths. The best is 16 breaths per minute. In practice, it looks like this: three or four steps - exhale, two or three steps - a breath. First have to constantly monitor the process and consider each breathing cycle, but then you get used, and will breathe under this scheme quite unconsciously.

Benefitproper breathing while running lies in the fact that it allows to increase the functional reserves of the external breathing 8% during the first year of employment. This is very important because after 30 years we annually reduce the reserve by 1%. For example, the provision of external breathing average person aged 30 years is 3500 ml. In 45 years, this figure already equals 3000 ml, and 60 - 2000 ml. Here's what one of the reasons of aging.

In short, the magazine JustLady asks its readers to remember that running andproper breathing while running - One of the ways to prolong life, to preserve the health and full existence. To do this, you need only wish! After all, only very serious deviations in health can be a contraindication for running. And they exist only in 10% of the world's population. For the remaining run - a vital necessity.

 Alice Terentyeva
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: weight loss, breathing