How to learn to run 3 miles

How to learn to run 3 miles
 If you want to learn how to run long distance, for the realization of this desire can be only one obstacle: not compatible with this kind of exercise injury. Running - it's a simple exercise, and if the first long distance you are not, you will quickly get tired and short of breath, after training the situation will change. Running is good for health, it is one of the best cardio loads, besides, you increase endurance and while jogging breathe air if run through the streets.
 If you think that jogging is better left to others, but for you they categorically do not fit, then you are mistaken. Everyone can learn to run, it needs only one thing - to start. When you train, you could clearly see how quickly progress is being made. Every day you will be able to run more and more, and after a while a distance of 3 km is not a problem.

You need one day just to get out at a convenient time out and start to run. It is best to do it right today or tomorrow, without delay. After the first run, you may very tired, you will feel heart palpitations, moreover, is not likely to be able to run a lot. It all depends on the physical form in which you reside. For someone 3km even for the first time is not a problem, while others may be able to run the first day even 1 km. This is perfectly normal, there is no reason to get upset and throw workout. Just a few days will be a huge progress.

For novice runners can recommend a few things. Do not seek to run with someone. Others may have a physical shape better than you, or worse, but in any case different. You will try to catch up with them or run too slowly, and that no one will bring pleasure. Run with a speed that is right for you is the most comfortable.

Despite the fact that it is often advised to run in the morning or in the evening, you can do this at a time when it is convenient for you. Someone in the morning can not run at all, the body protests. But in the evening jogging is fine. Listen to your feelings, but do not be lazy. Sometimes, the whole body will be against training, and then we can wait, but only if it is not laziness, and the next time you will not be put off anything.

Keep track of your records. Constantly try to run more than in previous times, this is how you learn to run long distances.

Try to run as often as 2-3 times a week. It is best to choose a route for jogging down the street or alley park are ideal. Training in the hall many push by the fact that it is very boring, even if at this time to watch a movie or listen to music. By the way, the music is a very important point. From player and playlist in advance carefully composed to run much more fun.

Do not skimp on quality footwear and clothing. Rubbed his feet nobody has fun. Comfortable shoes and clothes will help you, and inconvenient - way.

Tags: running, distance, jog