How to learn to play volleyball

How to learn to play volleyball
 If the school physical education classes you did not get to play volleyball, it does not mean that it is too late to learn. A good coach and a cohesive team, you will be able to reach the heights in this game, which previously could not even dream of.
 Start learning to play volleyball with the development of supply. This you can do by yourself and without writing section, and without waiting for the beach season. Remember: from good supply depends not only misses the enemy, but also the extent to which your team will be ready to hit the ball, after his other team participants spanned over the net on your half of the field. Therefore, not doing too strong throws. Firstly, because you can not used to fight off strong hands. And secondly, when applying important not so much the force of impact as the height of the ball.

If you decide to learn to play classical volleyball, it is best to enroll in the sports section of the middle adults, and gradually develop this simple, in general, the game, which, however, requires good physical preparation and excellent response. However, to learn quickly and the only true react to teammates and opponents, you can, if you fairly regularly attend and listen to the recommendations of the coach.

Not bad will happen if you're familiar with and a special literature on methods of teaching volleyball. These books are written, of course, coaches and trainers, but even a novice athlete will find they have a lot of interesting things. But even if the methodology outlined in the manual, too different from the one on which you are engaged in a section, it is not necessary to use other players and, especially, the coach for possible errors. Of course, if you want to remain a member of the team, not sit permanently on the bench.

Harness the beach volleyball is best, of course, the beach. The game is played two on two, so there will be immediately visible and your mistakes and failures of your partner. There are also professional clubs in beach volleyball, as it has recently been included in the Olympic program, but, unfortunately, we have such clubs yet.

Beach volleyball is different from the classical and the fact that the play is necessary sometimes in quite difficult conditions. Just imagine: the hot sand, in which the ankle buried your feet, mercilessly scorching sun - is not only run and jump, and lay something on the beach do not want to. Therefore, for such a variety of volleyball good physical training is of great importance too.

Tags: volleyball