Shapely thighs in 14 days!

 Many of us have fat concentrated in the hips, abdomen and legs. From excessive fullness in these problem areas, of course, you can get rid of. So, if you barely pull the favorite skirt or jeans barely fastened, immediately get to work. Women's magazine JustLady how to correct figure flaws appeared.

Make thighs slimmer and elastic, will help strengthen the muscles gymnastics. Working on yourself, do not sit on the ground and move more throughout the day. More you walk - a day at least 30 minutes, lift prefer stairs and regularly perform simple exercises. After 2 weeks, noticeable results will please you.

For a start

Before you start to exercise, stick to the important recommendations.In early studies needed light workout (Pan and tilt head, circular movement of the shoulders, bending down and sideways, forward lunges on each leg alternately). It will take 10 minutes, but the muscles will be prepared to exercise.
Then desirable aerobic exercise for 20-40 minutes: can run on the machine, perform a few simple exercises or dance with your favorite music. After this thorough heating proceed to the power load.

Do not forget to drink plenty of fluids during training drink mineral water without gas. Observe even breathing: inhale through the nose, exhale mouth, thus, straining, exhale, and relaxing, breathe. Do not hold your breath so as not to impede the flow of oxygen.

About classes

For classes need soft gym mat. Training program for each exercise: for beginners - 10 repetitions, 3 call, pause between taps 15 seconds; experienced - 15 repetitions, 4 call, pause between taps 15 seconds.

Exercise 1

Posture and movement: you stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and relaxed, hands on his belt.
Perform squats, bending at the knees. Get down to the knees, imagining that sit on the edge of the chair, which is behind you at a distance.

Effect: Exercise strengthens the muscles of the thighs and buttocks, burns calories.
Tip! Squatting not go down too low. Climbing is not unbend your knees to the end, legs remain slightly bent.

Exercise 2

Posture and movement: you stand on one leg, hands on his belt, body tilted slightly forward, pivot leg slightly bent at the knee, the other - bent at the knee and raised.
Lunges back, straightening the bent leg raised and then return to the starting position. Fulcrum on loss - socks (no heels!). Completing visits, change your leg.

Effect: strengthens the front of the thighs.

Tip! Do not do too much lunge, back straight, do not lift the leg above the buttocks.

Exercise 3

Posture and movement: you stand on one leg, hands on his belt, supporting leg slightly bent at the knee, the other - raised and bent, thigh parallel to the floor.
Straighten the leg, holding it aloft. At the same time, imagine that you are doing a light kick in front of the hanging ball. Completing visits, change your leg.

Effect: strengthens the front of the thighs.

Tip! Straightening the leg, do not make any sudden movements. Perform each exercise slowly and evenly. Not unbend leg to the end, even if it remains slightly bent. Do not bend back, keep your back straight.

Exercise 4

Posture and movement: standing, hands on his belt, body tilted slightly forward, pivot foot in front and slightly bent at the knee, the other leg a step back and lean on the sock.
Allotted to lift the back leg, driving the heel toward the buttocks. Return to the starting position. Completing visits, change your leg.

Effect: strengthens the back side of the thighs.

Tip! Leg too high, do not lift, do not make sudden jerks, make sure that the knee looked at the floor.

Exercise 5

Posture and movement: you lie on your side, arms bent at the elbow, propped his head on one, the other - based on gender, leg, lying on the floor bent at the knee, the other - is stretched.
Raise and lower elongated leg muscles are tense, taut foot, toe looks at the floor. Completing visits, change your leg.

Effect: This exercise strengthens the muscles of the buttocks and the inside of the thighs.

Tip! Lifting leg strain muscles of the buttocks. Lowering the leg, do not touch the floor, it remains suspended. Do not raise the case back.

Buttocks like Shakira

At their concerts Shakira gladly demonstrates delighted audience fiery belly dance. And submits an example of many of his admirers: belly dance is experiencing the peak of popularity in the fitness rooms as wonderful cardio, helps get rid of excess weight.

He is a nice way to women who, like Shakira, love to dance and can not stand boring, in their view, exercise. Belly dancing helps to strengthen the muscles of the abdomen not only, but also the legs, thighs, buttocks.

Dance exercise of Shakira: Do 2-3 sets of 8-15 repetitions each 2-3 times a week.
Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, hands on hips. Right foot step back and bend your knees up until the right lower leg is not parallel to the floor and left shin - is perpendicular to it. Hold for a while and return to starting position. Repeat with the other leg.

For hip muscles

This simple exercise is particularly useful for those who spend much time at his desk at the computer.

Stand up straight, keep your back straight. Lunged forward right foot, the foot of the left leg at the same time does not come off the floor. Gradually carry the weight on his right leg up until you feel the tension of the muscles of hips. Make sure that the heel of the left foot is not detached from the floor. Hold this position and slowly count to 5. Take a step back. Repeat 3 times with each leg.

Alternatively, holding a support, stand on one leg. Describe the other leg in the air, "eight", one of which will be in front of you, and the other - behind. Size of the "Group of Eight" gradually increase to the amplitude of the movement was as much as possible. Do 10-20 repetitions with each leg.

Using water

Exercising in water will quickly tighten the muscles, eliminating the extra inches and pounds without painful loads.

Face the side of the pool - the water should reach the level of the chest. Holding on to the ledge hands, bend your left leg at the knee and lift it up as much as possible. Then return force the leg back, making sure that the heel stared at the ceiling, and then comes back leg forward. Stomach in, flat posture. Performed 15 times with one foot and the same the other at a rapid pace.

Important: The exercise is done at arm's length from the side, keep your back straight. If the shoulders are hunched, will work other muscle groups. The faster pace of this exercise, the more effective the result.

The following exercise forms part of the inner and outer thighs. Performed while standing on the shoulders in the water to pull their arms under water. Make 4-8 Extra steps to the left. Both arms are extended in this case to the right, and the hands are moved each step in the direction of motion - the left. When the step is completed, the hand returns to its original position.

Diet slimming

The ideal figure Claudia Schiffer makes one believe in miracles. Blonde top model has a stable 57 kg with height 180 cm, it easily holds its shape with the help of their own diet.

Breakfast: 1 boiled egg.
Lunch Time: 150 g low-fat cottage cheese and green tea.
Dinner: the same as that for lunch.

You can drink only mineral water per day, except for specified, nothing can neither eat nor drink. And no sugar!
If you soak in the diet from Schiffer 3 days, can not be counted from 3 to 5 kg.

Inna Yining

Tags: buttocks, thighs, exercise