How to choose a bench-press

How to choose a bench-press
 To have a healthy and slender body, you need to exercise. In particular, those who want to have a flat stomach and a beautiful "cubes" torso, you need to do special exercises, rock press.  
 You can go to the gym. However, at the present rate of living and income, not everyone can afford this pleasure. But the output can be found by arranging a training ground at home. It is only necessary to purchase a bench press.

The simulator can be horizontal or inclined, can be adjustable angle. When choosing, be sure to note whether there is a bench protective elements, leg locks, as well as evaluate the material from which it is made. Do not buy trainers too soft and loose surfaces. Upholstery should be pleasing body, hypoallergenic, durable, comfortable. Bench should not have seams on the outer surface, so as not to traumatize the skin in the classroom. When choosing not hesitate to sit on the bench, test coverage stiffness, comfort footrest. They should also have a strong and soft cover, so that when training was not bruises and contusions. Classes should bring maximum enjoyment and benefit.

Most preferred bench with racks of solid steel. Such simulators are durable, can withstand heavy loads.

Depending on your requirements and operating conditions determine for themselves the best size, width and length of the bench. Consider your weight and the weight of your family members who will also use the machine.

Equally important is the functionality. The best option - a bench with adjustable angle. Then you will be able to change the types of workouts, track the degree of load on a particular muscle group. Furthermore, there are trainer- hyperextension at which exercises are done in the face down position.

Benches for the press can be straight and curved. Recommended for home use folding options.

Tags: bench press