Exercise for Weight Loss thighs

 If you look at the pictures of medieval painters, you will notice a peculiarity: the models of the then masters were not anemic beauty, but rather the ladies, as they say in the body. And the most "outstanding" part of the body were hip. White and lush they were a sign of wealth, prosperity and fertility of his mistress. But times have been known to change, change and ideas of beauty.

In the category Fitness: Taiji

Now in vogue tightened slender figure, muscular long legs. What to do if you are not up to the ideal? Women's magazine JustLady offers simple set of exercises that will help tighten your leg muscles and relieve them of excess reserves.

Exercise for Weight Loss thighs

Pace of modern life often leaves no time for fitness rooms, massage rooms and other pleasures. But nothing can stop you in the flow of daily worries allocate half an hour on self-employment.

So, find a comfortable place in the house where you can smoothly devote some time to his beloved. Before class, sit down on a chair,Relax your hips and a few minutes of massage their vigorous movements to warm up your muscles. Now you can start to exercise.

Exercise for Weight Loss hips: the front part of the thigh

1.Lyag on the right side and rely on the right arm, bent at the elbow. Left free to put before the body. Bend your left leg and lead it along the right, without lifting your fingers from the floor. When you reach the maximum point, straighten the leg up. Then return to starting position. Repeat 8-12 times for each leg.

2.Syad on the floor, leaning on hands. Stretch your left leg in front of you, and the right bend at the knees and put to the side. Firmly pressed to the floor bent leg raises and lowers the line. Do 8-12raz on each leg.

Exercise for Weight Loss hips: the inner thigh

The most stubborn and difficult to exercise part - inner thigh, so she paid special attention.

1.Vstan straight, feet shoulder width apart, hands pull ahead. Sit down deep on the left leg, straighten the right and moving it on the inside edge of the foot. Without getting up, shift your weight to your right leg while straightening the left. Perform 10-15 times in each direction.

2.Iskhodnoe position too, hands on his belt. Slightly crouching on the right foot, take a side on toe left foot. Slowly straighten your right leg, tighten the left, pushing the toe to the floor. Repeat 5-6 times with each leg.

3.Syad on the floor, leaning on his elbows behind. Raise your bent knees and try to touch their forehead. Return to the starting position. Perform 10-15 times.

4.Vstan straight, feet shoulder width apart. Lean forward and Put your palms on the floor. Slowly slipping, legs apart on the maximum width, leaning on hands. Do not bend your knees. Return to the starting position. Perform 7-8 times.

Exercise for Weight Loss hips: no flabby buttocks!

Vital portsflabby thighs, buttocks shapeSo do not despise the following exercises.

1.Iskhodnoe position - standing, feet shoulder width apart. Trailing right foot back, raise your hands up and a good rotten. Return to the starting position. Repeat 10-12 times for each leg. For maximum effect, you can pick up a dumbbell.

2.Vstan straight, hands on his belt, feet together. Take a deep lunge forward in this position performed three springy rocking, making sure that the foot legs, standing behind not detached from the floor. Do 10-12 times with each leg.

3.Lyag on his stomach, arms extended forward. Raise both arms and torso, good deflection. Then lift up as high as possible straight legs, rotten. Perform 6-8 times.

4.Iskhodnoe position is the same. Bend your legs, grabbing hold of the toes and pull with a force them to himself, deeply caved. Slowly return to the starting position.

5.Syad on the floor, leaning on straight arms. Clamp feet between the ball (or other object) and move it to yourself as close as possible. Repeat 7-8 times.

Exercise for Weight Loss thighs

Exercise for Weight Loss hips: goodbye "breeches"

If you have a "breeches" -fatty seal upper thighs, The following exercise is just for you.

1.Stoya on her knees, scrubbing his hands over his head. Trying to keep your back straight, sit on the right thigh. Returning to the original position, dropping to the left. Perform 10 times on each side.

2.Lyag on the left side, resting his right hand in front of him. From this position, raise and lower leg 10-15 times. Repeat on the other side.

3.Vstan straight, feet shoulder width apart. Perform squats, first slowly, then accelerating pace. Perform 5-6 times, gradually speeding up the movement.

That's it, is not difficult, although at first so you will not find it. If you want to get results faster, not out of place to go on a diet or even eliminate from the diet of flour and sweet. Do not forget also about thewater treatment and self-massage special creams.

Be sure - sure changes occur, and when it will happen - depends on you.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady.ru

Tags: training, hip, exercise, losing weight, squat