Effective home exercise for the buttocks

 Who does not dream of beautiful and tighten the buttocks? Woman with perfectly shaped gladly wear open shorts, short skirts and tight jeans, catching admiring glances of men and enjoying their appeal. It turns out that to achieve this it is not difficult! The best way to get hold of the perfect forms - effective exercises for the glutes, which today tell a women's magazine JustLady.

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Nature has endowed each of us a unique appearance and shapes. Someone slimmer, someone better and it does not matter! After all, a woman is attracted not thinness or completeness, and resilient, smart forms and self-confidence, then you can easily achieve by performinghome exercises for buttocks.

Buttocks - one of the "problematic" places of our figures. This place has a habit to store fat, cellulite is formed. To achieve the ideal lines in the buttocks and thighs, get rid of the fat and tighten loose muscles must be performedeffective exercises for buttocks. They need to do on a regular basis for at least 1 month, the result was evident. These exercises are simple and takes only 20-30 minutes a day. They can be done at home at any time. Most of the proposed movements affect not only the muscles of the buttocks, but also on the muscles of the legs and thighs.

The most effective exercises for buttocks

1. Stand with your face to the support. This can be a chair back, a wall, etc. Take the right leg straight back, with the heel pull over. Make a 20 foot strides. Same again left foot. At first you may feel that so many swings you make difficult. In this case, to reduce the amount of 10 times for each leg, with each day increasing their number. It is important to involve the stomach and buttock muscles tense. This exercise strengthens the muscles of the buttocks and effectively combats cellulite.

2. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart place. Dissolve a little to the side of the foot. Perform slightly crouching - omit the pelvis just below the knees. Then straightens up, returning to the starting position. Repeat 10-15 times for 2 sets. Women's magazine JustLady recommends using weighting weighing 1-2 kg, such as dumbbells or water bottles. It will be more effective. ThisEffective exercise for the buttocks excellent tighten the muscles and give them flexibility.

3. Lie on your back, stretch your arms at your sides, feet slightly apart. Raise and lower the pelvis without bending the back. Perform 20-30 times depending on the preparation. This is one of the most effectivehome exercises for buttocksWhich trains the gluteal muscles and the muscles of the hips and press.

4. Starting position - standing on "all fours". Place your palms on the floor. Straighten your head and shoulders. Do mahi first straight leg 10 times, then slightly bend the leg at the knee and do 10 more times bent leg. Repeat the same with the other leg. Women's magazine JustLady advises to carry out thisEffective exercise for the buttocks several approaches. Do not feel sorry for yourself! If the muscles begin to ache a little rest and keep - your buttocks with each stroke getting closer to the ideal.

5. This exercise is a bit like the previous one, but it gives more stress on the gluteal muscles and faster herding fat. Stand on "all fours", put your elbows on the floor. Do Mahi straight leg 10 times. Repeat the same with the other leg. Make exercise a number of approaches.

Effective home exercise for the buttocks

6. Thishome exercise for the buttocks - The best massage "problem" areas, and it is effective in the fight against cellulite. Sit on the floor, legs spread slightly apart, hands on the back of the head lock, straightening your elbows to the sides. Begin to "walk" through the buttocks, moving first the right and then the left foot. Counting to 60, come back in the same way back. Women's magazine JustLady recommends starting to do this exercise at a slow pace, gradually "accelerate".

7. Starting position - on his knees, his hands on his belt. Slowly lower the bowl and take the right buttock. Return to starting position. Then lower the left buttock. Repeat as many times as you can. The main thing is not to sit at his feet - then will not have any effect.

And a few more useful tips in addition to thehome exercises for buttocks. All women have different shapes. Differ from the beautiful ladies and shape of the buttocks. It is important to consider when striving to achieve perfect lines. Pay attention to the actions that must be performed in each case.

Heavy, drooping buttocks
Your buttocks sag due to weakened muscles. For toning and firming perform exercises with weights. Also effective is running uphill or step.

Strongly protruding buttocks
This is the genetic makeup of your body. Usually fat make more buttocks. You fit the following exercise: running, skiing, walking. So you do not GROW unnecessary muscle mass and achieve great shape.

Very flat buttocks
This is also usually hereditary structure of the figure. Aim to build muscle mass, for example, exercises with weights on the stepper.

Effective exercise for the buttocks from the women's magazine JustLady help you acquire attractive shapes. The above exercises are part of the popular fitness program and help many women do buttocks slim and trim, remove the sagging areas and reduce the appearance of cellulite. If you do the exercises regularly and for a long time, you are guaranteed a great result.

 Marina Kremer
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: muscle, buttocks, track, dumbbell, thigh, exercise, flexibility, capacity, raising