Building a new body

 Turn to your fitness - and your life will be transformed! Rates and trends of modern life makes all the more important physical development. The expression "Meet on clothes" in our time should be substantially corrected ... Not only on clothes valued people, but also by the fact that this odezhka to wear!

Turn to your fitness - and your life will be transformed!

Rates and trends of modern life makes all the more important physical development. The expression "Meet on clothes" in our time should be substantially corrected ... Not only on clothes valued people, but also by the fact that this odezhka to wear!

Bloated fat lady hardly perceived as the future chief of energetic and motivated employee.

It may well be that the fat aunt that still battle-ax, but the first impression - a cruel thing. Or there is the slender young lady - the embodiment of innocence and frailty. Who can guarantee that on closer acquaintance she starts chasing elect a broom in the apartment? Too late, I had to think before when looking at her weightless body, man and could not think of a hard character, hidden behind the appearance of amorphous elf.
Modern fashion is also focusing on the health, well-built body.

It is not enough to have a normal weight. What's the point if scales show sixty, and stomach hanging at the knees, tops in the African heat wear contraindicated, so as not to reveal to the world flabby arms, much of the conversation short skirts generally better not to start.

It is clear, strong legs, slender, straight posture, high breasts and a strong, smooth body but did not seize on sale, and from heaven to you such gifts are unlikely to fall down, so it remains one sure, but damn hard and thorny path: to become a builder's own body - to develop, customize, eliminate blemishes.

Good physique - this is a very important psychological factor: whining about the next dialed kilogram becomes irrelevant, and confidence in its appeal - it's not a pound of raisins.
Of course, the reason for the tears any, even a very confident woman will always find - noblesse oblige, but, at least, the number of these occasions will be reduced by half.

Paradoxically, any made against them compliment women perceived differently. Do not doubt its appeal - graciously bestow benevolent smile, and insecure lady still offended - you never know, maybe it's an insult.

They say that money has one drawback: they should earn. The same applies to the physical development. For a slim figure you have to pay training and, alas, the same money. For laziness and obesity you do not pay anything, on the contrary, nature gives you a bonus in the form of a heap of sores that are beautiful and intriguing name, so that in a conversation with friends molodyaschimisya you might as well shine, picturesquely put his hand on his chest and sighed, "Oh, so this is my hypertrophy ... "I'm sure everyone will be jealous. Of course, it will not add to you health, but moral satisfaction worth it.

In addition, at your age is contraindicated carry things, obscene stuck to his chest, the more rolls for your beautiful body hardly make out that same breast, where it is better to put on something like a bag from under the potatoes, and always black because playful bright colors you are also contraindicated.
Dressed - and now in the world - the fight to captivate and command. If possible, of course ...

It's easy to blame obesity on the "characteristics of the organism." In fact, only 5 percent of people can not lose weight for medical reasons.

In other cases, the usual reasons - laziness, poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle. Though it too features. Features of your character. And here we must not fight with some mythical enemies, and above all with you, with the newly gained years of bad habits and stereotypes rooted in the brain. Any friend you categorically stated that "this dress, my dear, you did not complete, do not even think." If you are willing to believe it, and is not subject to the mirror - your naivete can only envy.

Learn how to evaluate themselves really do not need to calculate the beauty of the body according to the formulas, only one indicator - your reflection in the mirror. Do you like what you see? No? There is a reason to change habits and lifestyles.

Look at the woman whom you put as an example - "Miss Universe", actress or athlete, and you will see that is not such a huge distance separates you from it. Stands at 50 per cent to change the composition of the body - and you have goals. Of course, it sounded like an insult ... Just 50 percent. Saying something is easy, but to do it! But is something stopping you at least try and "make" this "missku." Know ours!

Statements such as "by nature endowed it all, but I have a bad body" and not worth a jigger. Thinking in this way, you automatically concludes: "There is nothing I will not help, as it was a stick and stay." You can lie down and die.

Nature - a capricious lady, she initially generous to all, but it's worth it to see how you handle the dismissive of her gifts, and may take offense. Rake then traces its grievances.

In fact, the same actress and model largely owe their gorgeous body long and hard work on himself. Women like Jennifer Lopez, Britney Spears, Madonna, spend many hours in the hall, doing aerobics, and carefully plan your diet. They make themselves !!!

Just do not moan that there is something about a personal trainer, a couple of avocado for breakfast and sun deck on the second floor of your house.

It turns out that on average earn a woman has no right to look good, not to mention the low-paid, they did not place in the world slim and fit. I hope you have the courage to listen to that and the lack of an avocado can survive. Yes, here is the discovery here. Everything in this world interchangeably. The role of exotic fruit is quite able to perform the usual apple and uninviting, a personal trainer and a good catch on in the gym, living in the neighborhood, and even things like the solarium or pool, have long been available to all.

A woman can achieve excellent results without possessing some outstanding genetic inclinations and a huge bank account - only by force of will, and a full understanding of what it needs to achieve its objectives, ie the transformation of the body.

Another important detail. We should not underestimate the power of influence of the aesthetic, healthy body for your health. Feeling of health itself is the best reward for all the effort.

Lose weight, you immediately feel how much easier it was to live.

And doing this for aerobics, you simultaneously develop respiratory and cardiovascular systems, the two most powerful engine of our body. The body begins to quickly convey the byproducts and toxins somehow trapped in the body. Begin to grow strongly, and other organic structures of the body - the muscles, ligaments and joints are strengthened, the body becomes more aesthetic appearance and become more resistant to stress, more mobile.

Now you have seen, what treasures fraught with physical exercise? Oh, not yet? Well, then listen to the rest.
Of course, the likelihood that many women after such a eulogy rush into the halls and health centers, there to join the sacrament of the formation of the new body is negligible. There are many reasons: a suitable distance from the residence hall / study / work load at work and at home, lack of money to pay for lessons and so on.

Sometimes classes interfere even foolish things such as embarrassment in front of other visitors room.
Most of these reasons are just excuses. Your thousand and one reason I find ten thousand options for their solutions. But we will not enter into debate, as it is - a topic for another article, and try to reach a consensus.

Begin work on a can be laid and at home, without complex simulators and devices with a minimal set - light bar, a few dumbbells, skipping rope, rubber band or expander - and achieve decent results.

In order to find a suitable for you method of training does not necessarily expensive rooms, stuffed with the latest achievements of sports science. Of course, this is only the beginning. But I can assure you that once you start getting addicted and only let you noticeable results, the road to the hall will cease to frighten you, and entry fees seem insignificantly small compared with the amount that you spend on new clothes - already other, half-forgotten you size for your body changed.

In addition, the classes in the hall are good in that they allow themselves psychologically adjust to the training that is focused on milk and cries escape Dityatki of unsolvable problems. But it is in the future, as long as we stayed on the fact that you can engage in at home.

Perhaps you will be surprised my statement that become healthy and beautiful can not sverhnavorochennyh programs and exotic diets.

These simple methods have already been tested by thousands of perfectly normal "average" people. Yes, you can transform yourself by exercising at home without special equipment, and even without special clothes - only by force of will. Miracles? No, only a clear understanding of their problems and ways to solve them.

Start your changes should be expected, especially in the head. Only when the target is selected and you clearly stated, you can count on any results. Get used to the idea that you have to constantly and patiently work. Moving jerkily and putting off what you can do today, you will likely be disappointed. Keep a positive attitude and a good pace.

Water wears away the stone, every day try to go a little bit further to make some little twist, a little to improve his body.

Do not be lazy to learn new exercises, interesting facts about nutrition and rest - in short, everything that can help you.
Evaluate your abilities and really put realistic goals for the near future, so as not to be disappointed.
Do not expect, however, ever get another "magic formula" for instant transformation of your body. Only you can know what you need and what not to do. Of course, have to work hard, but that should not scare you.

How many months or years will take to build a new body?

It depends again on you, on your initial fitness level and the degree of persistence with which you take for the cause. In any case, after a few weeks you will notice some changes for the better.

How much weight you have to lose? 5, 6, 10, 12 kilograms of?

The basic idea is not in weight, and to reset it gradually, without much violence over the body.

Too rigid diet, oddly enough, gives opposite results expected. The fact that the body responds to the lack of food in the same way as it is saved in the fasting period - burns fewer calories. Too sharp transition and unusual restrictions on food does not give you the opportunity to tune in to the burning of fat, and you suffer. As a result, proterpev a while, you go back to the previous regime and safely typing even more weight! Alas - there is no such a diet that in a short time will transform you from amateur donuts in a harmonious adorable. Effectively, only one - the correct and healthy diet as a lifestyle. You do not have to torture yourself, you should have fun, and you'll get it, you just have to get used to the fact that your life and your outlook on food changed.

I understand that you want all at once. But I think it is not necessary to repeat the tedious sermon that does not happen.

Think about it: dump 1 kilogram per month you easily, which means 12 pounds a year! Woman, discharges 12 pounds, looks completely different (start with the fact that the clothes will be 2 sizes smaller).

Of course, the total weight of the discarded depends on many factors: what the task set before you and how much you weigh more than normal as intensely you exercise, your lifestyle, etc. In any case, do not become discouraged if one month you do not discard anything after the other, you can lose as much as 2 pounds. And the result will still be impressive.

What ways of training to choose? In addition to aerobics, strength training useful - 1-2 exercises per muscle group. Choose more "complex" movement, forced to work large areas of the body, such as sit-ups, push-ups, pull.

Do not overload. From the fact that after training you will feel old wreck, the weight starts to flow from the body at an accelerated pace. It is enough to three times a day for half an hour engaged in strength training and the same - aerobics (swimming, running, cycling).

Despite the seeming simplicity, all of this - just Milestones, grand building that does not stop for a minute ...

And, just as with any construction, everything is interconnected. Foundation - a healthy diet and proper lifestyle, walls - physical activity, and finally, the roof - your attractiveness, self-confidence and tomorrow. And the better the material is, the more professional technology, the longer it will last your beauty and youth ... By the way, safety, too, should not be neglected ... Good luck!