Secrets of proper and quick weight loss

Secrets of proper and quick weight loss
 Question rapid and correct weight loss worries a large number of members of the fairer sex. Weight loss - it's a long and complex process that requires careful and constant work on myself and my body. Follow the new recommendations steadily and bring them to automatism, while excellent result is not long to wait.
 Do not immediately go on a strict diet to combat overweight. It is necessary to approach this gradually removing the first thing out of your diet is too fatty foods and replacing them with more lean. Give up too sweet desserts and pastries in favor of fruit (but excluding grapes and bananas), reduce the amount of servings in half. And that's not a diet, it's probably some constraints and should immediately start the procedure of losing weight.

Instead of fried meat put his plate of boiled piece of lean beef or chicken breast, steamed. Piece of cake, replace sweet and sour apple. Nice to have on hand duty products that will save you from hunger - vegetables, fruit and low-fat cottage cheese. Fish, cheese, meat and yogurt - it is those products which preferably have for dinner. By the way, dinner is recommended not later than six o'clock in the evening.

Try to strike a balance between energy consumption and consumed, as far as possible keep a calorie calculator. Drink plenty of fluids (two liters per day), it is best suited purified water without gas. Avoid eating foods that are high in salt. At night you can afford to drink a glass of green or mint tea without sugar, yogurt.

Start your active lifestyle, move more. Join a gym or pool, you can arrange a room in the home for sports activities. More to explore on foot in the fresh air if you live on the top floor, climb on foot, forget about the elevator. Enter in your life such useful and pleasant procedure, as douches and dousing with cold water. After all, at this time the body begins to actively produce heat, increases thermogenesis, the investigation - an accelerated fat burning process.

If you happen hunger pangs at the sight of fried potatoes or cake, start to massage the point, which is responsible for the feeling of hunger. Acupuncture point located above the upper lip in the dimple, stimulate this point for thirty seconds. Thanks to such actions is blocked appetite center in the brain.

Tags: pounds, weight loss