Kombucha for weight loss

Kombucha for weight loss
 Twenty years ago, on the kitchen table every hostess wore a three-liter jar with Kombucha. If someone suddenly found himself deprived, he certainly was handed Kombucha - he was revered as a panacea for almost all diseases. Then somehow hobby treatment Kombucha come to naught: whether the sugar crisis of the late '80s became the cause, or have new hobbies. And for good reason. Kombucha is not only coping with many diseases - and this is confirmed by scientific fact, but is an excellent tool for weight loss. Kombucha now again becoming popular. Women's Site JustLady tell you how to grow and use Kombucha. Including slimming.

Kombucha has many names: Lyons, marine, Indian, Japanese and Manchurian and this is understandable. For lovers of natural "medicine" is an indispensable tool. It develops and grows in tea leaves - hence, in fact, the name. The beverage obtained using Kombucha very useful. It great number of vitamins and organic acids. It consists of caffeine, which tones and supports vascular tone. He has antibacterial properties does not allow bacteria to multiply. Plus it is very tasty, but because carbon dioxide slightly carbonated. Therefore love him even children. It can also be used for digestive problems, as a mild laxative. In addition, it has proven itself very well in the treatment of tuberculosis, typhoid fever, burns, eye infections, dysentery, and even cancer. Plus - it is an excellent remedy for hangover.

For colds and inflammation of the gums Kombucha can be used as a gargle. And with acne beauticians recommend to wash daily infusion of tea fungus.

Kombucha for weight loss

Infusion of tea fungus

Traditionally, the tea leaves for tea fungus prepared as follows: three-liter jar washed with warm water (preferably wash with baking soda). Thereafter, a solution prepared immediately. Brewed tea. In the bank joins approximately 200 grams of tea leaves, which is diluted with 2 liters of warm boiled water. Sugar is added in a ratio of 1 liter of tea - 3 tablespoons sugar. Kombucha washed in boiled water, put in a ready solution, put in a warm place, where not exposed to the sun's rays, and leave for a week. Cover with gauze - fungus must "breathe". A week later, the infusion drain and prepare a fresh solution of tea.

It should be remembered that you can not pour sugar directly on the fungus - grains of sugar are harmful for him. The most common use of black tea infuser - affects traditional attachment to this type of tea in Russia, but you can use the green and white tea - then get a drink rich in amino acids.
Flask of tea fungus can be cooked on the broth of herbs and blends with additives. Kombucha thrives in mixtures:
1. Brier, nettle leaves and green tea
2. In the decoction of the leaves of raspberry, lingonberry and blackcurrant
3. yarrow, nettle and black tea

The broth is prepared at the rate of 1 liter of water and 2 tablespoons of the mixture. Experiments are not prohibited, and each person can make an individual drink, taking into account all the wishes. But it should be remembered that the fungus does not like essential oils, so you should avoid compositions where there bergamot, sage, chamomile or blue, orange and so on. Brewed mixture should drain before discharge into the Kombucha.

Kombucha for weight loss

In the infusion of tea fungus found three enzymes: protease, lipase and amylase. All of them are involved in metabolism and cleave proteins and carbohydrates. A lipase active "burns" fats. That is whyKombucha actively useSlimming.

Diet Kombucha is very simple - it is necessary in the morning on an empty stomach, drink three glasses of infusion and a glass before meals during the day. That's all.Kombucha for weight loss - A great tool for people who can not limit yourself to food. However, female site JustLady still advises to reduce the consumption of flour and sweet - then you can lose weight much faster.

For weight loss and overall health:

1. Enter into the diet as much as possible of vegetables and fruits. Moreover, it is advisable to eat vegetables for 10 minutes before the main course.
2. Reduce the number of sweets. Pastries and sweets can replace raisins and dried apricots.
3. Do fasting days, at least twice a month. These days, drink only the infusion of tea fungus and mineral water.
4. Do not eat too much - especially in the evening. If you can not give up the late dinner, drink two glasses of infusion - it will help reduce the amount of food.

The course of "treatment" should not be less than three months, the same infusion of tea fungus can be mixed with cleansing teas and vitamin complexes. If you adhere to these recommendations, the metabolism quickly returns to normal. However, adhere to the correct tactics have all my life, but this can come in and habit.
Just a women's magazine JustLady asks not forget that for the Kombucha to care, it periodically wash with warm water and remove the browned plate.

 Natalia Toropova
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: Weight Loss