How thin Ksenia Borodina after childbirth

 Events in the life of the people of show business always cause us concern. Especially a lot of rumors generate weddings and divorces, births and of course, the change of image. Women's magazine JustLady will not torment their readers and talk about that today many women care about: how thin Ksenia Borodina after childbirth.

Under the heading Lose Weight Together: Diet Dr Bormental

One of the leading quite scandalous show "Dom-2" Ksenia Borodina never differed special miniature. As recognized herself Xenia, she tried to lose weight many times. In the course were different diets, including the famous and very fashionable at the time the Kremlin diet, a system of separate food, practice regularly fasting days.

According to the presenter, she always sat on a particular diet, however, the special effects of diet has not yet been brought. Did not help, and physical education. Xenia one time regularly visited the gym, but was soon forced to abandon training in mind busy schedule.

Girl exerted remarkable efforts to improve the shape in a natural way (and her colleague, Ksenia Sobchak, she categorically against contrivances plastic surgery), but it was completely useless.

Last summer, she bore a daughter Ksenia Borodina Marusya and more put on weight. The public and colleagues who are accustomed to the image of Susie, I think, did not expect from a young mother special miracles, but to everyone's surprise, she quickly went back to work and, even more strikingly, revamped image.

From this point on, gossip headlines for several months were filled with the phrases "Ksenia Borodina lost weight after giving birth 12! ","How thin postpartum Ksenia Borodina? ".

How thin Ksenia Borodina after childbirth

 In the search for answers to this question were found two main versions.

Version 1

Ksenia Borodina lost weight after childbirth because of the method of Ksenia Sobchak

This method is very simple: there are smaller and do daily enemas. This is the way to help keep in shape Ksenia Sobchak. As a fanatical opponent of diets, she believes that you can lose weight, unless there is a smaller, in any case, the amount spent per day calories should significantly exceed the amount received.

I.e.Ksenia Borodina, lost weight after giving birth precisely because of dietary restrictions and enemas. The press has repeatedly mentioned that the young mother did not breastfeed the baby, but quickly dropped her in the care of the home and went to work. However, the very Xenia in the first postpartum interview, claimed that the child she leaves her husband for only 3-4 hours, and the rest of the time spent with my daughter.

Also leading noted that restore shape after giving birth to her daily walks helped with the stroller and the constant care of the child, about any diet or exercise speech was not.

Version 2

Ksenia Borodina lost weight after giving birth with the help of cucumber diet

In his interview in February of this year, Ksenia Borodina told me that really wanted to make a gift to the beloved husband for Valentine's Day. This is what prompted her to drastic measures. According to the presenter, she had to sit on a rigid diet, which was later called the "Erotic diet by Ksenia Borodina." All erotica was eating ordinary cucumbers.

It is this diet, according to Xenia, and helped her lose 12 pounds after the birth of her daughter. Daily diet look like this:

On the morning of Xenia ate a small piece of rye bread and some fresh cucumbers. For lunch star indulged in serving soup of vegetables and cucumber salad with fresh herbs with the addition of a small amount of vegetable fat. Dinner consisted of the same salad or just a fresh cucumber.

The main condition - eat at least 4 cucumbers per day. Once or twice a week, vegetable soup can be replaced with a small portion of boiled meat.

Sitting on this diet for two weeksKsenia Borodina and she lost 12 pounds.

Thus, the constant visitors of forums about losing weight are adopting a second version and trying to achieve similar results, eat cucumbers. Colleagues at work is convinced thatthin Ksenia Borodina after childbirth just take the advice of his colleagues Ksenia Sobchak, the abandonment of breastfeeding, as well as a bad habit - smoking, from which the presenter is not going to give up.

Whatever it was, now Ksenia Borodina, not only lost weight and changed her image, began to look even more attractive and, in his own words, has matured and grown wiser. All these pleasant changes prompted her to think of writing a book about how she did it. Contributed to the idea and also the constant questions colleagues.

According to Xenia, the book will be given detailed advice, which she adhered to, as well as guidance on how to change the image of articles about sports and, most importantly, there will be attended by the opinions of experts, which will help the reader to understand how safe or harmful method of losing weight Ksenia Borodina.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: Money, Online, gender, enema, pregnancy, address, contact, wedding, Ambassador, divorce, forum, dress, transmission, magazine, diet, Cosmopolitan, interviews, fashion, setting, slimming, tips, reviews, sports, techniques, processes, technique, child, Bormental, erotic, thinness, aphrodisiac, weight loss, Xenia, Maroussia, Allen, Sobchak Ksenia, cosmopolitan, Borodino