Useful sweets sweet foods which will not interfere with your diet

Useful sweets sweet foods which will not interfere with your diet
 Some women in the struggle for a slender figure stand on the path of strict austerity, completely eliminate from your diet any sweets. But do not be so intransigent - doctors claim that a complete rejection of sweets can cause depression. This does not mean you have to go for a cake with roses oil or spend an evening with one kilogram of chocolates. There are sweets that can be used even by those who are watching their figure.
 Dark chocolate

Dark bitter chocolate, among other things, so loved by many - not only tasty, but also useful. He is able to strengthen blood vessels and improve the tone of the body. Is also a great anti-depressant.

Of course, it is not necessary to have a whole tiles, use no more than 30 grams of this delicacy. Take only dark chocolate, that is, one in which the share of cocoa is not less than 82% in milk chocolate high proportion of sugar.


It can be used, and those who lose weight. Honey - a product of high-calorie, but its composition has fructose, which is more useful for the organism, as well as vitamins and useful minerals. It can improve metabolism, and therefore there is no harm if you add a teaspoon of tea or water.


Slimming women can use natural fruit marmalade. It is made from fruits and berries - cassis, plums, apricots, apples - so it contains a high amount of useful pectins, which improve and normalize digestion, positive effect on the metabolism and help to reduce cholesterol. Therefore, if you want sweet, choose natural fruit marmalade. Of course, it also should not eat a lot.

Dried fruits

They contain many calories, but helpful - they contain vitamins useful chemicals. If you want to quickly satisfy your hunger, you can eat a few berries dried apricots or prunes. Especially good to add them in the morning porridge.

Speaking of fruit: in dried form they contain a lot of calories, but very good for health, digestion, heart beat. Dried fruit easily satisfy your hunger in between meals, in the office, replacing a handful of dried apricots, for example, chocolate.

Marshmallow and pasta

They are made from fruit puree, sugar and egg whites. They have a useful pectin, so sometimes you can treat yourself to a marshmallow or pastes - great harm figure they will not cause, but the desire to eat sweet suit.

Tags: sweet product, the diet, the substance use, the sweetness