Lose Weight in Japanese

Lose Weight in Japanese
 Japan - the country is amazingly slender women who do not seem to know what old age. Quite often middle-aged ladies in Japan looks like a girl of twenty. The source of youth and harmony of Japanese women is a healthy diet.

If you start to eat in Japanese, then gradually, without threats to health, you can get rid of excess weight. Products that are the foundation of Japanese food - it is rice, fish, soy, vegetables and fruits.

Rice is the basis of Japanese cuisine, it is part of many Japanese dishes, made from rice flour turns a wonderful transparent noodles, delicious pancakes. Rich useful carbohydrates rice dishes contribute to the rapid saturation, and hunger after taking rice there soon.

Japanese consume large quantities of fish food, it is a source of omega-3 fatty acids that improve cardiac performance and help improve mental alertness.

To lose weight in Japanese, it is necessary to replenish the menu vegetables. Vegetable soups and salads, steamed vegetables, rice with vegetables, all this contributes to the attainment of a vegetable variety slim figure and health maintenance. No wonder meals in Japan can not do without a few vegetable dishes.

Fruit - an excellent alternative to harmful sweets, they are better absorbed, the body is filled with nutrients and vitamins. In the transition to the Japanese diet, include a diet of fruits, they will help painlessly give up the habit of eating, unnecessary body, confectionery sweets.

Japanese cuisine is unthinkable without soy products: soy sauce, tofu, fermented bean natto, miso soup,. Soy is rich in protein, it is an alternative to meat, but much more useful, as it contains no saturated fat.

If you decide to lose weight in Japanese, do not lose sight of a few important points. In Japan, there is a cult of freshness, food should not be any semi-finished products. Everything is prepared only from fresh ingredients, cooked food must be eaten immediately, not leaving for tomorrow. Every day, freshly cooked meal.

Another feature of the Japanese food is magic servings. Beautifully decorated meal can excite the appetite and food intake in turn exquisite pleasure. Japanese partake of food slowly, savoring every morsel, getting a real pleasure. Such an attitude to food is a conscious, you do not put in your mouth extra piece, as you feel satiety after eating a small amount of food.

Weight Loss in Japanese - it is an opportunity of gaining a slim figure without violence against the body.

Tags: cuisine, diet, food