Eastern wisdom: Power on Ayurveda

 One of the most ancient Eastern teachings Ayurveda (the science of life) came to us from the east of the country this mystery and exotic charm - India. Ayurveda considers in detail not only the spiritual life of man, but also a great attention is paid to his diet. Today we will talk about nutrition in Ayurveda in the pages of women's magazine JustLady.ru

Under the heading Lose Weight Together: diet Larisa Dolina

Ayurveda honor an individual approachPower. It is believed that the human diet should be made depending on the characteristics of his physique and way of thinking. Wise glance. And if you choose the right diet is what helps us to Ayurveda, we will live a long life without disease, or at least reduce their number to a minimum.

Ayurveda divides people into three groups:kapha (mucus), watts (wind), pitta (fire). The diet is made depending on which of these groups you belong to.

Kapha or mucus

Characteristic features: well-built man, but at the wrong diet fairly quickly gaining weight, he has a good skin, beautiful, thick hair, large bones and broad shoulders. Quiet, peaceful, self-confident, very homey, not particularly fond of sports, slow and passive.

Meals on Ayurveda: Kapha should give preference to eating brown rice, legumes, soy cheese. It is undesirable to eat sweets (except honey), beef, chicken, white rice.

Watt or wind

Characteristic features: with such young people differ fragile physique and maintain thinness throughout life, the skin and the hair is dry, brittle nails. Watt quite active, mobile, constantly addicted to something new, but not always bring it started to end - often lack perseverance, concentration.

Meals on AyurvedaRice, buckwheat, meat, nuts and dairy products, food flavor recommended cardamom and nutmeg. Should refuse from soy foods, sour apples, raw vegetables and black pepper.

Pitta or fire

Characteristic features: red-haired, handsome and the beautiful, golden-haired blondes and blondes with white skin and freckles spicy. With proper nutrition can boast a magnificent figure - not too skinny and not massive. Pitt active, enterprising, they make excellent leaders and organizers, however, they are sometimes quick-tempered and unrestrained.

Meals on Ayurveda: Beans, cauliflower, celery, asparagus, dairy products. Seasonings: fennel, cinnamon, mint, coriander. Of ginger and saffron should be abandoned as from nuts and red meat (or significantly limit the intake).

Three meals a day

Light breakfast, lunch and solid light dinner will support the rhythm of production of digestive juices: their selection begins in the morning, in the afternoon of their production reaches its peak in the evening they become less.

Breakfast: Wake up - drinka glass of warm water to which is added a tablespoon of lemon juice! So you posposobstvuete process bowel movement, improve the secretion of digestive juices and clean the digestive tract. Breakfast should be light, for example: stewed apple or pear, half an hour of warm bread bran or wheat flour with a little honey or almond oil. Note: cold food cold cereal or milk and juice extinguish the digestive fire, it is necessary to give preference to hot dishes.

Lunch Time: Includes two or three kinds of vegetables, the number of which must include one zelenolistnoe plant dish with lentils or beans, a dish withpaneer, Grain dishchutney or hot side dish, a small amount of warm salad or soup, as well aslassi - A mixture of yogurt drink water. It is important to bear in mind that portion sizes should be small to medium! For a healthy, balanced diet is crucial diversity.

Dinner: Should be easy, it is helpful to eat small portions. For example, a casserole with vegetables and cereal or soup with vegetables and lentils.

Nowadays so many specialized sites and interesting books that examine in great detail the power to Ayurveda, if you want you will find all the information you need and be able toeat very diverse system Ayurveda. At the end of the article, let me introduce you to some useful dietary habits:

• During the meal, do not work and do not talk on the phone
• Do not read or watch TV while eating
• Before a meal for her gratitude to lift up or sit in silence for a minute
• Do not eat food in large chunks. Before you swallow posmakuyte each piece, how to live it
• A few sips of warm water during a meal helps digestion, but in small quantities
• Do not overeat! Ayurveda suggests that your ideal portion is placed in a stacked palm of your hands
• After you eat, a little sit
• During the day, drink plenty of clean water
• Ensure compatibility of the product
• Prepare and serve food with love
• Before going to bed, drink a glass of warm milk with nutmeg (for Watts), cardamom (Pitt) and ginger (for kapha).

Elena Matsuk
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: Shop, lentils, food, advice, wisdom, mucus, breakfast