Diet for liver

 For many of us the word diet is associated with fasting, giving up your favorite foods for one purpose - to become slim and beautiful. But there are a considerable number of those for whom diet - therapeutic diet for promoting health, and talk about weight loss here does not go. But in spite of the fact you're sick or healthy, you want to look good and wear fashionable clothes. What to do? Today women's magazine JustLady tell about how you can lose weight for people with diseases of one of the principal organs of our body - the liver.

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Sitting on your kitchen, your best friend here for half an hour complaining about life. Another fashionable diet helped her well, but she relaxed a little and - again great! We'll have to start all over again, and she was so tired of these diets .... "Yes" - do you think - "I have such problems! Yes, if I could go on a diet, so I would be slimmed down to a state of transparency. And rest assured - I would have had the willpower to keep the weight! Yes, but it is impossible and dangerous for me .... "

This is exactly your case? Then read on and learn how to safely lose weight, if you have chronic hepatitis or other liver disease. What you can and can not? How to combine medical and unloading diet?

 Diet for liver

You probably already know that you starve contraindicated and rigid mono-diet is also not for you. Insufficient intake of vitamins, minerals, protein can seriously degrade your condition. Therefore, tune in to the fact that the rate of weight loss atdiet for liver will not be very high - an average of 0, 5 pounds per week.

If you dare, then memorize the rules.

1. Most diets involve the rejection of fried foods, and it comes to you in the first place - with carcinogens formed during frying, your liver can not cope.

2. Fatty foods are also not for you. Exclude have fatty meats, chocolate (it contains palm oil).

3. Choose foods whose composition does not include artificial flavors, colors and preservatives - an extra burden on your liver.

4. Poor effect on the liver and some vegetables. Radishes, spinach, sorrel, onions, mushrooms and other foods that irritate the stomach should not be consumed.

5. alcohol, probably, and we are not talking - it is not recommended to do with healing or when unloading diet. Also contraindicated sodas.

6. From sausages and other sausages also best avoided - if you read the composition of any of these products, you will understand that they are losing virtually all of the above items.

And now that you can and should use.

1. One of the sources of vitamins useful for you is oil. A couple of teaspoons of vegetable or 20 grams of butter a day you will only benefit, they will provide your body with vitamins A and E.

2. You will not in any case should not be abandoned cereals. Best suited buckwheat and oats - they are not too high in calories and rich in B vitamins, phosphorus, and potassium and magnesium, a positive effect on inflammatory processes.

3. There is a lot of meat you are not recommended, but every day you can treat yourself to fish (lean), tender chicken breast, veal or rabbit. Boil the meat better.

4. Egg yolks should not be consumed, but the omelet made from proteins, perfectly complement the diet. You should also pay special attention to dairy products. Baked dish of cottage cheese variety to your table, in addition it contains calcium.

5. For the normal liver function is useful to eat fresh vegetables and fruits. A pound a day - your norm. It is better to give preference to zucchini, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, pumpkin, bananas, black currants, apples, pears, watermelons. They will provide the required amount of usable fiber, vitamins and minerals.

6. Now for the drinks. If you can not give up coffee, you can indulge in a cup of weak drink. Reduce appetite green tea, besides it protects the liver from harmful substances that accumulate in the body. Feel free to use dairy products (only remember the fat content), different compotes and juices. Choose drinks without preservatives and other additives, and better prepare them for herself. It is not difficult, if you have modern appliances, and vitamins retained much more than at a factory making.

7. And one of the most important rules - remember about vitamins. They need to drink constantly while you're sitting on a diet. Moreover, it is recommended to alternate complexes with vitamins and minerals (choose those, which contains selenium), and just vitamins (note the presence and vitamin E and lipoic acid).

Now that you've learned all the recommendations, you can start drawing up the menudiet for liver. To you it was easier to navigate, give an example of dietary ration for the day.

1st breakfast. Oat or buckwheat on skim milk - 200 g, a glass of green tea.
2nd breakfast. Fat-free yogurt (sour) - 150 g, one baked apple, fruit juice - 250 g
Lunch Time. Vegetable soup on the water - 200 ml, boiled beef - 150 g, compote - 250 g

Afternoon snack. Salad of fresh cucumbers, seasoned with herbs and vegetable oil, slice of bread, green tea (unsweetened) - 250 g
Dinner. Baked potatoes (1 pc.) With the addition of butter (20g), boiled cod - 150 grams, broth hips - 250g.
At bedtime. Low-fat yogurt or kefir - 250 g

And, of course, do not forget about physical exercises. Exhausting workout you will not work, but you can quite do yoga or pilates. If you prefer more traffic, then you can choose cycling, walking at a brisk pace or swimming.

As you can see, combine treatment with weight loss was not so difficult. But you have to remember the strict control - a monthly blood test will show how much is safe for you to diet. But, if you will strictly abide by the rules, everything will be okay.
Be attentive to their health and good luck!

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: liver, diet, review, recipe