Diet for Health and Beauty

Diet for Health and Beauty
 In pursuit of conservation and enhancement of its beauty ladies wear themselves with diets. And, quite often, these tough measures do not lead to the desired result, but to quite the opposite. However, there are some kinds of diets that allow you to combine business with pleasure - not to harm the health and beauty help.
 Discordant and irreconcilable to each other nutritionists different trends, surprisingly, agree on one point - the perfect fish diet product. Fish not only useful, it is very useful since it contains the necessary individual microelements - fluorine, zinc, iodine, and Vitamins A, D, E and polyunsaturated fats.

Naipolezneyshaya polyunsaturated fatty acid omega-3 has excellent effects on the health of the brain, the cardiovascular system, reduces the blood cholesterol level.

The most useful types of fish include trout, salmon, mackerel, herring, tuna, halibut, salmon.

It would seem that the above listed varieties of fish - fat, but the correct diet for fish diet can be good to lose weight and improve your health at the same time.

Here is an example of fish diet is designed for 10 days.

First breakfast

Eat one or two boiled eggs, drink a glass of low-fat yogurt or yogurt. 10-15 minutes eat orange, kiwi and pomegranate (most importantly, that in the fruit was large amounts of vitamin C), and a little later, drink two cups of unsweetened green tea.


Eat 50 grams of fish and drink a glass of warm water. After 10-15 minutes, eat another 200 grams of the same fish with a side dish of vegetables and fruits of your choice, containing minor amounts of starch.

Lunch Time

Drink two glasses of warm water, then eat 250 grams of fish / seafood with vegetables that do not contain starch. Vegetables can be charged with low-fat yogurt or sprinkle with lemon juice. After lunch refrain from fluid within two hours.

Afternoon snack

Eat a serving of low-fat cottage cheese or yogurt.


Menu in the same way as the dinner.

Adhering to such a diet for 10 days, you will lose weight at 4 - 5 pounds, while not exhausting yourself slimmer.

Do not forget to drink water, it is useful to start the morning with a cup of warm water, and finish the day, a good cup of tea for weight loss.

Choose to supply fresh fish. Better to combine low-fat and fat varieties. Refrain from starchy vegetables, prefer cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, cabbage, greens. Better to cook the fish, stew and bake instead of mayonnaise dressings, use low-fat yogurt and lemon juice.

After a course of fish diet, you not only become slimmer, but also feel much better.

Tags: beauty, health, diet, nutrition, injury