Egg diet is fairly simple. In addition to the diet of eggs allowed to add vegetables and some fruits. Need to eat three times per day (up to four eggs per day). The last meal should be no later than 4 hours before bedtime. From drinks allowed water and green tea, but in any case no coffee or alcohol. On this diet you can sit from three days to two weeks. The latter option is expected to expand the menu for breakfast, eat two eggs and grapefruit at lunch - vegetable salad without dressing for dinner allowed 150 grams of lean meat or fish with vegetables. Most importantly - with eggs can not eat no bread, no salt, no mayonnaise.
With diet sorted out, now let's understand all the pros and cons of this method of weight loss.
Pros egg diet
Eggs - it's very rich, but non-nutritive product. When choosing a diet, starve you just will not.
Since the egg diet contains large amounts of protein, you have an excellent chance to strengthen and build muscle. Physical activity during this period will be most effective.
Eggs contain vitamin "K" and "niacin" that improves brain function, memory and attention. In eggs contain calcium, phosphorus, iron, iodine, vitamins A, D, E, B1 and B2.
Cons egg diet
Eggs also contain a lot of cholesterol. For those who have problems with the cardiovascular system, such a diet is not suitable.
Diet excludes the consumption of carbohydrates. After a few days you will start to get tired quickly, feel lethargy, and mood will not be the rainbow.
Boiled eggs for a long time to digest in the body, and therefore, there can be problems with digestion. To avoid this, the doctors advised to eat raw eggs, but this variation is not safe and will not work for a week supply.
Reviews of egg diet
Feedback from those who have tried the egg diet for yourself, very contradictory. Many have noted very good results, reset pounds easily and quickly, but if you do not control your diet after diet, the weight comes back just as quickly. In addition, women who were sitting on the egg diet several times, saying that after the first follow-up times are not so effective. A majority wonders how useful it is to use the number of eggs. There are opinions that such a diet suitable for people under 35 years old. But there are women of all ages reviews that sit on a diet is very simple, as the egg diet is not accompanied by an oppressive feeling of hunger.
Choose whether or not the egg diet, depends entirely on you. But if you are in doubt, it is best to consult your doctor.