How to lose weight in time to the beginning of beach season?

How to lose weight in time to the beginning of beach season?
 In winter, the human body is trying to delay the supply of a few pounds of fat. That's why people are in need of food high in carbohydrates and fats. As a result of this power for the beach season women notice that much recovered. Of course, the summer wants to look slim, beautiful and taut. But to achieve the desired results very difficult, so prepare for beach season should start in advance.
 Woman noticed a plump thighs, to increase the waist, immediately begin to starve yourself. This is not recommended! Yes, no doubt, you will get rid of extra pounds, but at what cost. First of all, you do harm to your health, that is, you may have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, due to the scarcity of useful and necessary for the body microelements skin becomes flabby and lifeless, acquire an unhealthy color. To do no harm, it is enough to use as little as possible of confectionery and foods rich in animal fats (mayonnaise, margarine, etc.).

Reduce the dose of food consumed. Remember that it is better to eat food several times, but in small portions. Once a week to do the fasting days, at this time eat a salad of fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs. Be sure to start taking vitamin complexes. Eat more fluid.

Nutritionists say that the presence of extra pounds in your body indicates slagging of the body. To withdraw toxins, start to use herbal teas (eg, currants, raspberries, marjoram, mint), do a cleansing enema. For these purposes, you can use fresh juices made from cabbage, beets.

Begin to play sports, but do not go to extremes and to exhaust your body physically demanding. Enough to start doing exercises twice a day, gradually increasing the classroom. More walk in the fresh air, because walking is very helpful.

Sign up for zakvaaerobiku. With it you are fast enough to lose weight, tighten the skin and improve the body. You can also begin to engage in cycling, but note that for varicose veins or back problems this kind of training is strictly contraindicated.

Tags: weight, summer, season