How thin Inna Volovicheva of House 2? Diet Inna Volovicheva

How thin Inna Volovicheva of House 2? Diet Inna Volovicheva
 So many women who look the TV show House-2, want to learn about how thin Volovicheva Inna - one of the most popular member of the television project. Inna Volovicheva came on TV project in February 2009. However, the greatest popularity it received only recently. What is the secret of its success? The fact that Inna lost 40 lbs! Viewers House-2 could not help but notice how the figure of participating in the project are becoming more and more slender. The changes were so clear that even those who do not follow all the ups and downs of life of the participants became interested in how thin Inna Volovicheva.

Particularly interested in this question of women who wear themselves exercise, rigid diets, take dubious drugs for weight loss. Watching the metamorphosis of Ina, they were excited about the find,how thin Volovicheva of the House 2To also achieve such remarkable results. Women's magazine JustLady decided to learn the secret of the reality show participants House-2 to share it with their readers.

Question slimming Inna telezritelnitsami discussed for a long time: various theories and guesses abouthow thin Inna VolovichevaHow she was able to achieve such incredible results. Inna decided to dispel the rumors herself. Participant has denied all the speculation that she drank some pills. But the spectators that answer will not rest because Inna just a few weeks lost not just a couple of pounds, as much as 28! It's really incredible, but fans of the show witnessed it ourselves.

In his blog, participant House-2 said that she started to lose weight because of the stress test it. This is understandable, because it is very difficult to carry round the clock surveillance cameras, and quarrels with other project participants. In fact,how thin Inna VolovichevaPrimarily to blame stress because of her relationship with the other party to the TV show House-2 - Wenceslas Vengrzhanovskim. The couple were very complicated relationship. Because of the emotions, nerves, ongoing monitoring of hundreds of cameras and Inna began to lose weight.

There is another reason thatVolovicheva home 2 thin. This is due to the constant bickering with the other party Inna television project Dom-2 - Janaillat Alybaeva, very impulsive, emotional and temperamental girl. Thus, the first 20 kg Inna lost against the background of constant emotional experiences.

After she lost weight due to nervous situation, she decided to become an even more slender. All those interested inhow thin Volovicheva Inna - diet Whether this was the cause or something else, a participant said that the greatest effect brought her Kremlin diet. However, due to the fact that long to sit on this diet can not be, Inna was soon abandoned. But she completely revised its diet, eliminating all harmful and fatty foods that may hinder its fight against excess weight.

How thin Inna Volovicheva of House 2? Diet Inna Volovicheva

How thin Inna Volovicheva: diet and diet

Journal JustLady learned that diet Inna Volovicheva consists only of low-calorie foods. This allowed the participants of the project to change clothing size 50 to 46. Inna refused salty, fried, sweet, alcoholic beverages, bread. Every morning she is preparing a porridge on the water (without oil, salt and sugar). In the oatmeal can be added to fruit except bananas. AlsoDiet Inna Volovicheva includes cooked meat, seafood and vegetables, but after 6 pm she does not eat. If hunger is very strong, in the evening you can eat grapefruit or pineapple - a fruit that contribute to weight loss.Diet Inna Volovicheva involves the consumption of fresh grapefruit juice - it can be drunk at any time. The main thing - to get used to lead a healthy lifestyle and monitor their diet, not knocking mode. But that's not all - the heroine of the women's magazine article JustLady warns that in order to achieve such incredible results, the diet should be combined with physical activity, so without a visit to the gym can not do. In addition, Inna regularly visits bath, which helps to drive the adipose tissue, rid the body of toxins and improve metabolism.

Diet Inna Volovicheva

- Breakfast: Oatmeal on the water without oil, salt and sugar. By oatmeal can add fruits such as kiwi, apple or pineapple. Exception - grapes and bananas.
- Lunch and dinner: boiled fish or meat with vegetables, do not abuse spices and salt. Exclude consumption of white bread, sandwiches, fried potatoes, salted, smoked and spicy.

Arriving at the project Dom-2,Inna Volovicheva was very full. Now she shows off her slender figure. Of course, this helped her diet combined with physical activity, but no result would be, if not the reality show participant has collected all his will and not made plans. So that you do not forget - no strong desire, will and belief in success is difficult to achieve positive results. Now Inna very many plans for his career, stop the girl is not going to - it will continue prettier. Of the series in the series Inna becoming more slender and attractive.

Women's magazine JustLady wishes everyone losing weight to achieve the same great results as a popular participant reality show Dom-2.

Alice Terentyeva
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: magazine, pressure pill, diet, persimmon, weight loss, vitamin, videos