Diet Shaolin Temple

Diet Shaolin Temple
 Diet Shaolin monastery known since antiquity. It held its Shaolin monks before the competition, which allowed them to improve their body and to achieve full concentration.
 In everyday life, the diet of the monks of Shaolin Temple in diversity, their food was balanced and strictly vegetarian. Animal fats and proteins are replaced with plant counterparts. Menu is varied depending on the time of year, but it always formed the basis of beans, oilseeds and cereals to complement seasonal vegetables.

In Shaolin paid much attention to not only the usefulness of dishes and taste palette, but also the aesthetic side. Recipes Shaolin chefs are always very popular and famous for nothing less than the martial arts of Shaolin. All dishes were present medicinal roots and herbs. During fasting diet monks changed, but the principle of utility and balance remained.

Simple diet Shaolin monks will lose a week from 3 to 5 kg. At breakfast after sleep you need to eat the rice grains in their raw form. While their number should equal the number of years a person practicing a diet of Shaolin monastery. Monks are not washed down with rice, but only wetted with saliva.

For lunch and dinner you can eat anything you like, but only from a vegetarian diet. After 18:00 should eat only fruits and vegetables.

Such a diet contributed to the strengthening of individual internal organs in particular and the whole body, as well as increase endurance.

Secret weapon diet Shaolin monks is rice, which saturates the body with useful elements. It contains carbohydrates, proteins, little fat, vitamins PP and group B, minerals (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus). Thanks to the work of the rice bowel returns to normal, the body is derived from the excess fluid and waste products. Therefore, the raw beans stimulate the process of cleansing and slimming the body. To carry out such a diet need not more than once every 1, 5-2 months.

Tags: Monastery, diet, diet, Shaolin