Diet "Less Dinner": a perfect result!

Diet "Less Dinner": a perfect result!
 Diet "Minus dinner" officially appeared in America, although the benefits of such power has long been known, and its effectiveness is quite obvious. If the body converts morning breakfast at the expense of active movements, after a wholesome and hearty dinner soon go to bed, so it turns out that the calories just doomed to be deposited in the fat, as the night the functioning of all body systems they require a minimum amount.

The essence of the diet

Here all elementary and obvious from the title. Dinner with such diet lacking in principle and replaced pure glass. The only restriction diet "Dinner minus" is that the menu should be possible to reduce the fat, but the presence of flour and sweet reasonably allowed.

Fats are reduced both by adding them to the cooking food, and by exclusion from the menu of products containing them. Therefore, from fatty meats, sausages and smoked have to give.

Diet menu

Clear recommendations diet "Minus dinner." reviews of which are very positive, does not provide. That is, you can eat everything, but in reasonable quantities. The most difficult and high-calorie foods are best to eat in the morning. In parallel, it is necessary to drink plenty of fluids. The last meal should be no later than 16 hours, but are not a snack, and actually replace the dinner, that is, to be quite dense. At this time, the diet dinner resolve any products or even alcohol.

In the evening allowed only water or green tea, of course, without sugar and biscuits.

Advantages and disadvantages

This American diet reviews about which you can find on the Internet, has only one drawback: no matter how dense meal was at 16 o'clock, in the region of 20-21 hunger inevitably appear. Yes, and dinner tasty and high quality at a time when most people are at work, for obvious reasons, is problematic. The rest of this scheme catering exclusively positive. It has no restrictions and contraindications, teaches eat more healthily and do not overeat. Also, it can be considered sufficiently balanced, since there is no limitation on the menu and eat absolutely any product. So you can eat for a long time, and the weight will go smoothly, that guarantees the results. On average, a week should be spent 1-1.5 kg if necessary, it is necessary to reconsider its menu and reduce the number of sweet and starchy foods.

Tags: result, dinner, diet, minus