Diet for gastric hyperacidity

Diet for gastric hyperacidity
 Gastritis - probably one of the most common diseases of the stomach in our time. However gastritis - a very broad concept that includes also the state of the mucosa layer of the stomach, gastric acidity, etc. That is why treatment and diet in humans with the same seemingly diagnosis can be quite different. Today women's magazine JustLady tell about what diet should be followed at high acidity.

Where often come from digestive problems knows, probably, every adult, but hardly anyone pays attention to this issue until the disease begins to remind yourself painful symptoms.

And then say, most of us live by the principle: "Breakfast missed lunch snack at night hearty dinner." And the choice of snacks is usually small - fast food and other quick "joy." Hence, in the ground and having trouble, in particular malfunction gastric acidity.

This disorder is so common that many of the disease and it does not consider continuing to eat for a long time developed a scheme, in the best case supplementing the diet of medicines prescribed by a doctor.

However, this treatment often do not give positive results, the attacks happen more often, and aggravation are all the more painful.

Today we look atdiet for gastric hyperacidityWhich will help to overcome the period of exacerbation, as well as learn how to eat to reduce the risk of another attack of the disease.

First, let's look at what symptoms are characteristic of high acidity.
Such feelings as heartburn, burning pain in the stomach, heaviness after eating, belching bitter or sour taste indicate increasing acidity of gastric juice. Also for this disorder is characterized by constipation bowel, some loss of taste.

Vividly symptoms after drinking sour, bitter, spicy foods, pickles, fried, fatty.

If, having similar symptoms, diagnosis and the more you practice not sparing diet, such a flippant attitude can lead to an exacerbation of the disease. After hydrochloric acid, which is necessary for digestion, when the concentration is capable erode the stomach wall, which can lead to more serious consequences.

Diet for gastric hyperacidity

Diet for hyperacidity

What recommendations should be observed to prevent the development or worsening of the disease? First of all, pay attention to the selection of products and dishes.

Diet for gastric hyperacidity eliminates nourishing, rich broth. Especially dangerous in this respect mushroom broth. Vegetable soups are also not desirable to do too saturated.

In periods of exacerbation first courses in general preferably be formulated as soups, as well as on the basis of the mucosa (oatmeal soup).

Vegetables is better to choose those that contain less fat, especially true during the exacerbation of the disease. So you anytime suit carrots, potatoes, turnips, cauliflower. But radish, cabbage, sorrel is better to use in small quantities and at a time when you feel good.

Fruits and berries are best to choose a non-acidic, and during exacerbation is their only boiled or baked. In any case, vegetables and fruits quickly learned if from them prepare mousse, puree.

As for the meat, then you should get lean, the meat and fish is better to cook, stew, steamed. Actually, the fat content is not particularly affect the production of hydrochloric acid, but the fatty foods remain in the stomach longer, which at high acidity should be avoided. During an exacerbation of fat intake need the following carefully. In the day allowed 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil.

Diet for hyperacidity does not exclude cereal. They can be prepared in water or milk, with the deterioration of their well better have wiped. You will also be useful cheese, do not give up milk and eggs.

Of drinks would be the best pure water, weak tea, fruit fresh and dried fruit, jelly are especially useful. Should avoid coffee and carbonated beverages.

Fried, hot and spicy seasonings, pickles, smoked and pickled better to use as little as possible, and at exacerbation, of course, excluded from the diet completely. Adding salt is also better to limit, but sugar does not cause much harm.

Another rule for those who keepdiet for gastric hyperacidityIs split meals. That is, you need to eat frequently and in small portions.

Also pay attention to the combination of products. For example, protein-rich food is better not to be combined with a high-. As for the drink, the drink is better in about an hour and a half after eating. Especially not recommended to wash down food during the meal.

Such a diet may seem poor. In fact, if you feel good, then it can be expanded, following general recommendations. In good health, you can afford to eat and a little piece of something nepozvolennogo, but very tasty. But it should be done infrequently and of course, to return to proper nutrition during periods of exacerbation.

Diet for gastric hyperacidity

The seven-day diet for gastric hyperacidity

Day 1

Breakfast: mashed buckwheat porridge, boiled in milk, cheese souffle, a cup of tea.
2 breakfast: boiled egg.
Lunch: oatmeal soup, meat dumplings, steamed, mashed carrots, glass compote of dried fruits.
Dinner: fish cakes, steamed, a little pasta.
Before bedtime: milk or cream.

Day 2

Breakfast: porridge "Hercules" on milk, meat balls, steamed, mashed potatoes and carrots, milk tea.
2 Breakfast: cottage cheese and beetroot fritters.
Lunch: Pumpkin soup with croutons, beef stroganoff with noodles (boiled meat), plums.
Dinner: dumplings lazy cup of tea.
Before bedtime: cookies, a glass of milk or cream.

Day 3

Breakfast: egg, cooked boiled, a piece of dried bread.
2 Breakfast: souffle of carrots and apples.
Lunch: rice soup with milk, chicken cutlets steam, scrambled eggs, fruit jelly.
Dinner: mashed meat, mashed potatoes, a little spinach.
Before going to bed: cottage cheese souffle.

Day 4

Breakfast: mashed rice porridge with milk.
2 Breakfast: sandwich on a piece of dried bread with butter and cheese, tea with milk.
Lunch: vegetable soup, boiled beef garnished with vegetables and rice, applesauce.
Dinner: fish in Polish, boiled potatoes, herbal decoction or a glass of broth hips.
Before bedtime: milk or cream, cookies.

Day 5

Breakfast: noodle casserole with cheese, tea with milk.
2 Breakfast: jelly fruit or berries, the dried bagel.
Lunch: pureed soup with chicken, meat, baked chicken with rice, salad of grated apples and cooked carrots.
Dinner: Beef meatballs with noodles, cup of tea.
Before bedtime: milk or cream with cookies.

Day 6

Breakfast: egg souffle, mashed oat meal, tea.
2 breakfast: a glass of milk jelly.
Lunch: carrot soup with croutons, mashed potatoes, fish burgers for a couple.
Dinner: boiled potatoes, spinach, veal schnitzel, a cup of broth hips.
Before going to bed: cream or milk, bread.

Day 7

Breakfast: porridge semolina in milk, meat souffle.
2 Breakfast: fruit souffle, tea with milk.
Lunch: vegetable soup, baked apples, a little jam.
Dinner: vegetable with minced meat, pudding, cottage cheese, cup of tea.
Before going to bed: cream or milk.

As you can see,diet with high acidity the stomach can be quite varied and delicious. Of course, along with diet should take medicines prescribed by a doctor. Also, the doctor may give you their advice on nutrition, depending on your exact diagnosis and condition.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: meal, the stomach, the product increase, stomach juice, diet, food, recipe, illness, acidity, treatment, medication, symptom top