Christian Bale - a serious dramatic actor, and proof of this is his role in "The Machinist." However, the first thing you'll notice in this film, it's not a game, Christian, and it is impossible to thinness. According to the scenario hero Bale during the year is not sleeping and not eating. To play this role, the actor had to lose weight for 4 months at 28 kilograms. As he says Christian Bale: "I wanted to lose more, but I just stopped."
After an interview with the film actor impression that he was able to lose weight, mainly due to self-discipline. If there were difficulties, but mostly psychological in nature. Christian lost weight himself, focusing only on their own health. Many friends worried he was not ill. But the actor says he felt bad. He felt calm and even peace. The desire to prove to himself that he can do a lot for an exciting role, the desire for new experiences, Christian calls one of the main incentives in the fight against his own body.
That's the recipe for weight loss by Christian Bale:
1. Do not eat.
The actor says that after he realized the task, he gradually reduced food intake to 300-400 calories a day. On the recommendation of a doctor taking vitamin complexes. Drank a lot of water to drown hunger.
2. Run.
Actor jogging until it had some power. Then exercise battered its share only for the camera. There's a scene where the hero Bale runs. Christian himself calls them the most unloved. Still ... The time he spent mostly lying.
3. distracting.
When hungry, Christian Bale read books. This helped him to not think about food.
4. There is nowhere to go.
Actor preferred solitude to any companies because communication involves more than just talk. As a rule, during meetings people eat and drink, so Christian spent time at home.
After filming the movie "The Machinist" actor had to prepare for the shooting of the movie "Batman Begins." Month and a half, he scored 45 kilograms. After such exploits Christian seems magician who manage their weight with a simple: "It is my will, and my behest ...". But if everything is so simple, why do millions of men and women around the world suffer from overweight? So, what to do Christian Bale is very harmful for the body.
Prolonged fasting causes the body starts to eat its own muscle. This is a reasonable solution in terms of physiology - the muscles most of the energy. Expend fat body starts when the bulk of the muscle atrophies. Adipose tissue - is to supply the body's darkest day, and her body consumes the least.
During fasting fats and amino acids from the muscles are unable to split up to the level of simple products. The body is filled with toxins, this phenomenon is called "ketosis." Leather starving man exudes a pungent smell of acetone, due to the accumulation in the body acetoacetate.
Another shortcoming of starvation - atherosclerosis. Primarily derived from its fat reserves, but in order to transport them to the liver for processing, we need proteins that are lacking. As a result fat is deposited on the walls of blood vessels.
There are changes in hormonal and fluid and electrolyte balance, disrupted immune system, musculoskeletal system, eyes. Over time, these changes become irreversible. Even very thick people should not discharge more than one kilogram per week.
And finally, the most serious, but not the last negative effect. Fasting decreases the left ventricle. Violated the ratio of its area to the size of the mitral valve. This leads to the fact that people have lost about 40% of its mass is less than six months, twice as increasing the risk of sudden cardiac arrest.
Whatever may have been contagious example of Christian Bale, do not follow it. Bale again lost weight for the role in the movie "The Fighter", albeit not as drastically. Say, Brad Pitt gave up this role precisely because they did not want to risk their health.