A diet with a high hemoglobin

A diet with a high hemoglobin
 Many people know about the danger of lowering the hemoglobin in the blood, which can lead to anemia. But not less dangerous and high level of its contents, which may be the cause of failure leading to the development of hypoxia, cardiac and vascular diseases, and even tumors. Therefore, with an increase in hemoglobin to 130-140 g per liter of blood in women and 150 - men should seek medical advice immediately and start eating right, dieting.
 A diet with a high hemoglobin is aimed primarily at hemodilution by reducing the amount of easily digestible heme iron in foods. The essence of such a diet - do not reduce the number of calories, but a change in diet and eating foods with low iron content or does not contain it.

First of all, you need to give up alcohol or reduce its use to a minimum. This is due to the fact that in combination with iron promotes the development of alcohol in the body of harmful substances that deplete liver. It also stimulates the absorption of iron, which further increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

If you are taking various supplements, look for their content. Eliminate from your diet a multivitamin and iron supplements. Note that vitamin C is recommended as an antioxidant, promotes better absorption of iron, so taking it in pill form and should be stopped. However, juices and foods that contain this vitamin in its natural form, is not dangerous.

Lovers of meat, fish and seafood, suffering from increased levels of hemoglobin in the blood, also have to give up or greatly limit the use of these dishes. Completely excluded from the diet should be raw and undercooked seafood. And the risk is not only the content of iron, and that they may contain bacteria, provoking the development of infectious disease in humans at increased hemoglobin. Therefore, on your desk should only be thermally processed fish and shellfish.

Try to use more liquid. In the summer, in the heat, when you do not want to eat hot soups, cook hodgepodge, or beetroot gazpacho, first courses must appear in your menu. In view of the amount of fluid flowing in either organism per day you should drink at least 50 ml of water for every kg of its weight. Limit consumption of sweets to stimulate the absorption of iron, but be sure to include in the diet of nuts and whole grains, tofu, beans, spinach, apricots and grapes.

Your diet, in addition to general councils, should also take into account the nature of your illness that caused the increase in hemoglobin. Therefore, additional recommendations you receive from your doctor.

Tags: hemoglobin, improving diet, the reason