8 reasons for hair fall

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 Hair falls out almost all, but some do not even notice it, because of the nature have thick hair. But others who have rare and weak hair, may face a serious problem of baldness. So why did this happen? Scientists have identified 8 major reasons for hair fall.
 The first reason is the shock and stress. Experiencing frequent stress, the human body produces a special substance (testosterone and norepinephrine), which contribute to the rapid hair loss. Even months later, shock and strong emotions may well result in hair loss.
In order to avoid this, physicians are advised to take the necessary vitamins and minerals needed by the people. After the study of the scalp can make an appointment with a therapist.

The second cause of hair loss is pregnancy. During pregnancy, increased levels of estrogen (female sex hormones). For this reason, the hair is thick, smooth and silky, but after 3-4 months after birth, the hormone levels return to normal, so that the hair begins to fall hard.
In this case you should wait a bit. It is possible that after a while the hair will get its former appearance. If it does not, it is recommended to take medications that contain calcium, iron, magnesium and vitamin B.

A third reason may be intense baldness thyroid gland. Its hyperactivity or alternatively, iodine deficiency can cause hair loss in otherwise healthy person. Typically, in this case administered hormone treatments.

The fourth reason is autoaggression. It is this type of hair loss when the hair falls unevenly on certain areas of the head. All that matters is that sometimes the body for any reason perceives hair as a foreign body and tries to get rid of them. The treatment lasts several months and is taking steroids.

The fifth cause of hair loss in women may be an excess of testosterone NTDs. This so-called male pattern baldness. Sometimes this occurs in young girls. Of course, all the hair does not fall out, however, becomes noticeable parting on the head and manifests top. In this case, treatment is absolutely identical to the treatment of male pattern baldness.

Six Reasons may be menopause. At the same time production of female hormones slows down and the body begin to dominate the male sex hormones, which actively promote hair loss. Good results while giving hormonal therapy.

Seventh cause of hair loss, scientists believe chemotherapy. After chemical exposure in humans not only slows down hair growth, but they are beginning to fall out. However, as a rule, eventually all bounces.

And finally, the eighth cause of hair loss - is transferred severe infectious diseases. In this case, all the resources of the body thrown on the salvation of man, and getting rid of the infection. It is very important to take a variety of vitamins to restore the deficiency in vitamins and mineral salts.

 Author: bosyak

Tags: hair, pregnancy, Ambassador, diet, hormone loss, half the rate of estrogen