Diabetes mellitus: its causes and symptoms
What is diabetes? This is a complex disease caused by a deficiency of a hormone called "insulin". His lack of increases contained in our blood sugar. As a result, the body interferes with the normal processes of carbohydrate, fat, protein metabolism and disrupted water-salt balance. Ultimately, diabetes can go into a stage at which dramatically increases the risk of myocardial infarction and stroke, and there is a heavy defeat on the retina, kidneys, liver, and other things. That Is Whyprevention of diabetes - The primary task, which requires an immediate solution.
Diabetes is extremely heterogeneous. It can serve as a manifestation of some other disease or become attendant disease arising as a result of your medication for the treatment. And can develop as an independent disease. In general, diabetes is divided into two types: insulin-dependent and non-insulin.
Sometimes, the disease occurs without express symptoms, and it helps identify only a thorough physical examination. Therefore, anyone who has at least some predisposition to the disease, you need to be very careful about the state of his health and, at the slightest suspicion on the occurrence of diabetes, immediately consult a doctor.
At risk are, first and foremost, people with excess body weight, those who suffer from atherosclerosis, pancreatic cancer, and those who are vulnerable to the disease due to genetic causes. The reason for the appearance of diabetes may be some viral diseases and excessive consumption of sweet and fatty foods with a weakened pancreas.
As we have said, was originally disease can occur unnoticed. But over time it begins to assert itself increased thirst and almost no passing hunger, dry skin, weight loss.
Then diabetes progresses, begins to cause leg cramps, decreased vision, nausea, vomiting, inflammation of the skin. General weakness, fatigue, headache, increased urination. In the presence of these symptoms should immediately be tested for detection of diabetes. Otherwise, it can cause irreversible damage to the body.
Of course, all those who, one way or another, has a penchant for this serious disease, care should be taken, which involvesprevention of diabetes. In what are they?
Prevention of diabetes mellitus
In the case where the diabetes had already met in the family, its prevention starts from the very first days of life of every member of this genus. From the diet completely excluded infants cow's milk and its components. Further their food passes without the use of animal fats and with a reduction in consumption of sugary and starchy foods, smoked and canned. In addition, instead of sugar people who are prone to diabetes, preferably as often as possible to use natural sweeteners.
Provoke the development of diabetes and some types of fruit: grapes, apricots, cherries, bananas. Therefore, physicians are strongly advised not to get carried away by them, replaced by something more appropriate. Very useful in this case, celery, spinach, onions, garlic. They must be present in the menu as often as possible.
Prevention of diabetes mellitus lies in the strict diet - there need small portions strictly every four hours. This creates a kind of biological rhythms, allowing the blood to provide the required amount of insulin.
In order to not get diabetes, you need to in no way prevent excessive obesity and reduce overweight, if he came, by any means available. Physical activity and light exercise two or three times a day to help cope with this problem and prevent the development of diabetes in general. Swimming, walking outdoors, charging - all this is necessary and when the disease is already there. These measures will help and confront him and fight him.
Prevention of diabetes mellitus provides psychological balance, so you should avoid stress and not to worry about trifles. Any psychological stress should be removed by suitable means: good music, outdoor recreation, light fizzaryadkoy, voyage to the shops - all that can be fun and bring the nerves in order.
Well, of course, the prevention of diabetes include mandatory regular checks glucose contained in the blood.
Diabetes - the disease is very severe, and, to date, incurable. Methods and folk and traditional medicine can only minimize the likelihood of complications. Have to be treated the same for the rest of life. Therefore, prevention - a necessary measure to promote and prevent disease, and adjusted, if diabetes is already there.
Olga Kocheva
Women's magazine JustLady