Nightmare: sweating

Nightmare: sweating
 Of strong and healthy night's sleep depends overall health and mood throughout the day. Sometimes, however, restful sleep may be marred not only by insomnia or bad dreams, but also other "nightmare" - sweating. Solve the problem can only be about the delay.

Reasons copious night sweats

Strong sweating at night does not necessarily indicate a serious problem. Often, it is only a reaction to heat air or banal infections like SARS or influenza. Alarm should beat if excessive sweating at night is systematic.

Common causes of excessive sweating at night are:

- Pulmonary tuberculosis;
- Liver disease such as hepatitis or cirrhosis;
- Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gastroesophageal reflux disease, or inflammation of the colon;
- Diabetes;
- Disturbances in the immune system;
- Cardiovascular diseases such as mini stroke or ischemia;
- Blood cancers such as leukemia or Hodgkin's lymphoma.

Increased night sweats is rarely the only symptom of the disease, but sometimes she is the first bell, indicating the presence of various problems in the body. That is why the appearance of such problems should not delay visit to the doctor.

Excessive sweating at night is also typical for women during menopause. This status is not disease and does not require treatment.

How to cope with increased sweating yourself

If after a medical examination found no serious health problems, you can try to cope with excessive sweating on their own. It is important to monitor physical activity, especially for 2-3 hours before bedtime. They not only contribute to excessive sweating, but also enhance the heebie-jeebies. Has the same effect and a hot shower, and therefore at increased night sweats should replace it with cool water treatment or move to an earlier time.

For the same reasons should refrain from eating before bedtime hot food and drinks. Also contraindicated and alcohol.

It is important to ensure that the temperature of the air in the room does not exceed 20 degrees, not only in winter, but in summer. When using air conditioners and fans, it is important to further humidify the air, as its dryness can also cause excessive sweating.

Tags: sweating, night, night, nightmare, sweating