White spots or streaks on the nails will testify about the lack of trace elements and vitamins. Strips spots on nails and can have various shapes and sizes.
The deficit in the body of calcium, iron and magnesium also plays a role. And as vitamins A, E, C - especially. Their deficiency instantly appears on the state of the nails.
Protein deficiency also affects the condition of the nails. Because of this, they may appear paired strips. Normally, such a deficit is due to chronic kidney disease, due to which the protein is excreted from the body in half the time.
Kidney disease lead to chronic diseases, which also left their "footprints" on the nails. They are called "half and half". The lower part of the nail becomes white, and the top remains unchanged - pink and smooth. So if you find yourself such signs, hurry to see a specialist for advanced renal disease.
On the nails may appear line Bo. These lines are the strange diseases and their causes are not yet really. The nail can be injured when manicure when a woman tries to remove yourself cuticle and puts pressure on the tool much. Appear on the transverse strip of nails, closer to the hot spot. Treatment is not applied, it is necessary to wait until the nail grows back myself, and try not to hurt him more, better - to turn to professionals.
But the line Bo can not only be due to poor manicure. They can also occur as a result of health problems. Nail growth may stop due to high fever. Lines will be shown in the form of deep grooves. You also need to wait until the nail grows back fully. Grind these lines will neither one master, because the depth of the grooves is 1 mm.
On the nails may appear black spots. This investigation or increased pigmentation, or hemorrhage. Hemorrhage may be after injuries or strokes. Sometimes it is difficult to identify its cause. For example, inflammation of the liver may occur internal bleeding under the nail plate. The same can happen with endocarditis - inflammation of the lining of the heart. Therefore, if you do not hurt and did not get injured, you should see a doctor.