How to deal with relaxation

How to deal with relaxation
 Relaxation well restores vitality tired of the body, relieves stress and anxiety excited. The less tense your muscles, so you calmer. Relaxation akin to sleep, which is essential to man. But remove the neuro-psychological state by relaxation can be much faster and it can be done almost anywhere.
 A very important advantage of relaxation is that there is no contraindication to practice. Anyone can learn to relax. You just need to have only about ten minutes of free time. Relaxation enhances the perception of sounds and images, so this condition is favorable suitable meditation and telepathy.

Buy the disc with a special music for relaxation. This soothing sounds of nature, calm lulling melody, for example, the sound of rain, the sound of the waterfall, the rustle of leaves and the chirping of birds. Purchase incense that contribute to calming and pleasing to you.

Achieve deep muscle relaxation is possible in several ways. Try autogenic relaxation and neuromuscular peace. Decide what suits you best, use the method selected consistently. The first option works better if you take the words well, and the second - with the development of figurative thinking.

Take on the role of an observer, that is, see how your body gradually relaxes. Remember the feelings and thoughts, so that next time the process enters this state was quicker and easier. It is especially important to relax the muscles of the face and hands, as they stretched the most during the day.

Neuromuscular relaxation. Try to create a cozy atmosphere in the room, eliminate harsh noise, close from outside interference. You should not divert any stimuli. Sit or lie down as you most comfortable. You can sit on the floor, bed, sofa or chair. The best posture is considered position on the floor strewn with arms and legs.

Close your eyes and begin to relax the muscles of the body from the bottom up. Feel the warmth and heaviness in the legs. Do the same with his arms and torso, neck and face will require special attention. Imagine every cell of his body limp and passive. A few minutes of lying in this state. After that stretch the entire body.

Autogenic relaxation involves the presence of special verbal formulas that suit you. Mentally pronounce certain phrases: "My fingers are relaxed, heavy heels, calves soft thighs relaxed. All feet are warm, heavy and relaxed. " These formulas apply to all parts of your body.

Do not forget about the internal organs, the heart should beat gently. Do not hold the jaw, even if it is not very aesthetically pleasing, but you have to completely turn away from the outside world.

Relaxation, it is desirable to engage in every day. Regularity - a very important condition for the success of training. As a result, you will become resistant to stressful situations, can quickly find the right solutions, the concentration increases.

Tags: stress benefits, relaxation, relaxation