Alcohol withdrawal syndrome: what is it?

Alcohol withdrawal syndrome: what is it?
 One of the major ills of our society is alcoholism. In his fault die every year thousands of people, more drop out of public life, morally degraded, becoming a source of suffering for their loved ones. What prevents drinker stay? Why does he continue to pour a drink, losing a human face and scaring others?

Terrible state of man after prolonged alcohol abuse is sometimes called "abstinence" or hangover. Acceptance of a new dose of alcohol for some time removes painful sensations, the truth, and then they come back with a bang, requiring the repetition of "treatment". Thus, the drinking man falls into a vicious circle. To escape from there, you have to deal with the phenomenon itself. So, alcohol withdrawal syndrome - what is it?

The term "withdrawal" is derived from the Latin word "abstinence", ie abstinence. It occurs in people suffering from alcohol dependence, after a while they do not take alcohol, and appears as a complex physiological and mental disorders. Patients feel excruciating dry mouth, severe headache, palpitations and arrhythmia, sometimes tremors, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, and in the right upper quadrant, painfully react to light and noise.

Brunt assumes liver: it is delayed decay products of ethanol - acetaldehyde and acetic acid, ethanol toxicity superior. Fusel oil is added to the black smears bleak picture: the liver additional burden for cleaning the body from these poisons. If the concentration of alcohol in the blood exceeds a certain level, the liver simply no longer cope, and all the poisons are carried by the blood to other organs, causing systemic poisoning.

Acceptance of a new dose of alcohol able to stop for a while painful condition, but doctors do not recommend this method of "treatment", because weakened body lies a new load, which he can not cope. In addition, with the new dosage can start a new round of the spiral of alcohol poisoning, which fades into the long binge.

How did win alcohol withdrawal syndrome? To begin with, if possible, cleanse the body of toxins - the task copes activated carbon. A good multivitamin will help. People's experience suggests fruit juices, in which a lot of vitamin C: orange, grape, blackcurrant and tomato. Help modificed Products: kvass, sauerkraut or cucumber pickle and yogurt, fermented baked milk, whey.

In severe cases, to break the binge and cleaning the body from decay products of ethanol have to go to the doctor.

But, of course, the main way to beat alcohol addiction - it will power, self-respect and a willingness to find an interesting exciting activity that can distract from sucking desire to fill a void in life glass of alcohol.

Tags: Hangover, alcohol syndrome, abstinence