How to restore vision after computer

How to restore vision after computer
 Most people spend at the computer too long, especially if it is their main job. Eyes during this work are in a constant state of stress, which adversely affects the sharpness of vision and causes a burning sensation, dryness and pain. But, fortunately, this can be corrected without the use of lenses or glasses. Remember that the best treatment - is prevention.
 If you work at a computer most of the day, you just need to take breaks. Two hours after the start of sit back, let down your head back and close your eyes with his hands. In this position, you have to stay as long as you feel comfortable.

Exercise regularly to the eye. Keep your head still. In this position, start slowly translate gaze from the floor to the ceiling. Do this exercise 10 times. Now another 10 times, repeat the procedure, averting his gaze from side to side. 8 times then do the eight eyes, moving eyes from top left to bottom right, and then vice versa.

Draw a box on the big point at eye level. Sit at a distance of 0, 5 meters from that point. Now fix a look at this point. After a few seconds get outside the remote object at the point and focus on it. Perform this exercise for five minutes. If your office has no window, just get in a room two pieces lying on the same level, but at different distances. Remember that this exercise can be done not only at work but also at home, even in public transport on the way to work.

After the exercises have try to relax. Close your eyes and attach them to the palm of your hand. Once you feel relaxed, get up and walk around a little - this will help avoid congestion and have a positive effect on visual acuity.

Regularly take vitamin complexes, which must contain vitamins A, E and C. Include in the diet more blueberries and carrots. Eat blueberries with cream and carrot salad can be prepared in vegetable oil. Vitamin A, which is contained in these products and is an indispensable element of good vision, soluble only in fats. Therefore, these dishes are absorbed by your body much better.

If you have marked visual impairment, be sure to consult an ophthalmologist, since all of the above exercises will help you only partially.

Tags: eye, Ambassador, vision, computer, exercise, strengthening