How to prevent sinusitis

How to prevent sinusitis
 Sinusitis appears after running and undertreated cold. Mucus is a good breeding ground for harmful bacteria that are found in the maxillary sinus and lead to the accumulation of pus.
 The initial stage of the disease involves the use of antibiotics, which significantly reduce the activity of bacteria that cause the appearance of sinusitis. The goal of treatment - removal of the inflammatory process, after which the patient's condition is normalized.

Advanced stage requires puncture of the maxillary sinus channel to get rid of the pus and wash the respiratory tract. It should also be put into the sinus antibiotics to not allow bacteria to multiply and cause a relapse.

One of the most popular folk remedies in the treatment and prevention of sinusitis is the use of honey. Liquid (but not melted) honey is recommended instilled into each nostril while a draw in the air. The procedure is performed in an hour for 3-5 days. The first time you can experience the full nasal congestion, but after 15-20 minutes, this feeling passes, and the inflammation is removed.

To prevent the occurrence of serious respiratory diseases, it is recommended to stop smoking, because tobacco smoke leads to the development of edema formation and mucosal atrophy. As a result, exposed mucous penetration of the infectious agent into the body.

It is also necessary to comply with a healthy and active lifestyle, as a good immune defense prevents the development of cold-related diseases, which directly lead to the emergence of sinusitis.

To prevent sinusitis effective nasal lavage. This can be done using special ordinary pharmaceutical preparations or aqueous sea salt.

For training vessels of the nose and respiratory passages recommended regularly breathing exercises, through which improves blood flow and hardening occurs olfactory organ. One of the known methods is the method of breathing exercises Strelnikova.

Tags: sinus, prevention, maxillary, maxillary