Duration of sleep: how much is needed?

Duration of sleep: how much is needed?
 Sleep is necessary for each person. Hardly anyone would argue with that. Everyone knows that lack of sleep dramatically affects the health of a porter appearance, the metabolism, accumulated fatigue may even develop a disease or obesity appear. But how to determine how much sleep you need is your body? Standard 8:00 are not suitable for everyone. Someone is sleeping 5-6 hours and poured out perfectly, while others need about 10 hours of sleep.

The amount of sleep that the body needs depends on how he consumes energy. During sleep restores the energy, the body is completely at rest. But the processes of flow forces occur in all people a little differently.

Lack of sleep, as well as too plentiful sleep can seriously affect the health, damaging it. In this case, the lack of sleep is much more dangerous than its surplus. Pick up the time it takes your body just can. It is an individual process, giving different results for each person. There is a set of recommendations, doing that, you can determine the right amount of sleep you. But remember that if you have any serious health problems, the results of "research" may not be entirely true. Also, if in the future you popolneet or lose weight, the required amount of sleep you also change.

Those who earn their living by manual labor, need more sleep than those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Women need to sleep a little more than men - the way nature. Usually an adult takes about 5-8 hours of sleep, people older and older sometimes missing less than 5 hours of sleep, but children and young people it takes longer. Children need to sleep 10-12 hours, and adolescents 8-10.

To determine the right amount of sleep, choose a week or two when you will not experience stress, engage in heavy physical exertion. During this period, lie at about the same time. On the first day get up after 8-9 hours after falling asleep. Then every day is slightly reduced during sleep, for 15-20 minutes. Once you feel that you wake up fresh and vigorous forces, then it is "your" time. To check whether the precise result, a few days of quiet sleep it is this amount of time.

Remember that a later sleep, exercise, fatigue and other factors can change the number you require sleep. Listen to your body to get enough sleep every day, not to blindly follow the numbers, even if they themselves brought.

Tags: amount, sleep duration