The influence of lifestyle on our mood

The influence of lifestyle on our mood
 Lifestyle is directly related to the work of the organism: metabolism, digestion, breathing. Often people neglect health, considering it an afterthought. When a person has a bad mood, he usually refers to him as something extraneous. People genuinely believe that the mood - it is something that depends on external events. After development, the mood, whether it's good or bad, people tend to explain what happened: "It's okay, just the mood of something bad. Must be tired. " The mood is not usually associated with lifestyle. Although it is a directly proportional relationship.

Unhealthy lifestyle appears in humans due to bad habits. If the feeling of joy comes only from external sources, then the person is looking for just such experiences. In the book "How to overcome bad habits" Deepak Chopra very accurately describes the essence of addiction to anything. "Suppose, if the employee experiencing difficulties at work, and the family is in financial difficulties, it becomes easier, drinking a bottle of beer and drank a few - feels even better - the author writes. - Is this good habit or not - is not clear yet, but if this habit is a pleasure, it would be desirable to repeat. Such repetition, initially, a matter of choice. But when a person takes possession of addiction, the habit of turning into a need. "

Lifestyle - it's also a way of thinking. If, for example, take a walk with your child, you will notice that the kid draws the attention of enthusiastic literally everything: the colors of passing cars as green grass creeps from cracks in the pavement, on the passers-by. This contemplation of the world adult has long been lost. Walking along the street, people focus on another issue.

People unaccustomed to realize their actions, bringing them to automatism. When a person begins to deliberately control their thoughts and actions, he focuses his attention on the sensations. Good to have a habit every evening to take stock of the day, to analyze all the negative thoughts. And every two to three weeks to view their records. Soon the time will put everything in its place and will show which of these issues are well-grounded, and which are far-fetched.

Changing the mindset changes directly outlook on life, its review for a healthy lifestyle. It can be quite difficult to pick up and start a healthy lifestyle, walking, exercise, douches, healthy sleep, proper nutrition (everyone knows that this is the most difficult point). Therefore, there is a constant phrase "start a new life on Monday."

If an attempt to change the way of thinking, to feel for a while child, find new experiences, to do what had never tried it, it gives a lot of energy and good mood for a few days. A boost of energy helps to meet deeper than addiction, is a kind of liberation from dependence. It generates desire, which is several times stronger dependence. And there is not far to good habits.

Tags: image, lifestyle habits, mood, influence