How to avoid a stroke

How to avoid a stroke
 Stroke is called acute circulatory disorder that occurs in the brain. When there is poor circulation in the brain cells no longer flow oxygen and nutrients. Women's magazine JustLady speaks today about how to prevent stroke, and about why a stroke occurs.

Stroke: Causes that lead to acute circulatory disorders in the brain

Causes of stroke can be very different. For example, it may happen due to atherosclerosis, when because of cholesterol and fat of the arteries narrowing the lumen of arteries due to blockage or rupture of cerebral arteries due to high blood pressure. In most cases, a stroke results in atherosclerosis and hypertension, thereforestroke prevention shall include the prevention of these diseases. A person suffering from hypertension, should by all means to fight it. To understand whether a person cares about their health, it is enough to ask him a few questions. For example, how often does it measures your blood pressure if he knows about what he "working" pressure. And if a person can not answer these questions, then it's not too attentive to their health. And in vain - Journal JustLady recalls that in many cases it is the high pressure causes stroke. To reducethe risk of stroke to a minimum, need to control their blood pressure and prevent its increase. So, one must take care of their health, if the upper pressure reading is always greater than 140 and below - always over 90. In this case, consult your doctor. High blood pressure, the doctor should appoint any treatment, advise a diet and physical exercise. Of course, the effect will occur only if a person becomes scrupulously comply physician.

Stroke - a diagnosis is very serious, and if the person who knows what is at risk, think about the facthow to avoid a stroke, It is on the right track. Doctors with one voice declare that you have to be attentive to their health, need to listen to your body and do not treat it lightly.

Who is at risk

• The risk of stroke is high in people who have a tendency to doctors determined microthrombogenesis;
• Increased risk of stroke in those who suffer from diabetes, angina, hypertension, circulatory encephalopathy;
• Heavy smokers and people who abuse alcohol;
• The risk of stroke is, those whose weight is much higher than normal;
• People who have had acute circulatory disturbances in the brain.

All those who are at risk, should pay special attention tostroke prevention. The main thing - do not dismiss the warnings of doctors and do not ignore the symptoms.

How to avoid stroke and could not give rise to pressure

People under 30 years old must once a year, and people 30 and older every six months, check the level of cholesterol and blood glucose levels. It is recommended to limit the consumption of salty, spicy, spicy and smoked, and eat more vegetables and fruits. You need to walk, do exercises, play sports. In short, to move and move as much as possible.

The first stroke prevention should be aimed at normalizing blood pressure, clean vessels, calm the nerves, improve immunity, digestion, sleep, normalize cellular metabolism. A person who is at risk, should every day to take care of your health - it should enter him into the habit just like brushing your teeth, a daily shower, combing hair. Of course, all this should be done only with a doctor's permission. Especially good is the need to understand older people. They must understand that their health is necessary to care for themselves, not only outside but also inside: control the pressure, clean vessels to avoid stress. And all this in the power of each individual.

For the prevention of atherosclerosis need to change your diet - eat more foods that help reduce the formation of cholesterol plaques in the arteries. This kale, kelp (seaweed), beans, beets, apples, buckwheat and oat cereals, low-fat cottage cheese, cherry, raspberry and currant. In this seaweed is particularly useful as a prophylactic in atherosclerosis. From drinks is best to drink green tea. It is desirable to introduce into the diet of fatty acids (Omega-3 and Omega-6). For example, their high content of fish in the ocean. But it is not recommended to drink tap water (only boiled or purified), limit the use of sweet dishes, salt, sausages, fatty meats, full-fat dairy foods, kidney, liver, eggs (they can have no more than four units a week).

Against atherosclerosis have folk remedies. For example, mix with sugar chokeberry, grind, take 3 times a day for 1 teaspoon. At high pressure, mixed honey and beet juice (in equal proportions), take 3 times a day for 2-3 tablespoons. Alternatively fresh aloe juice (3-4 drops) was dissolved in water and 1 tsp taken fasting. Also in hypertension need to give up smoking, drinking, watch your weight, move more.

Thus, if its a good habit to make a healthy lifestyle and take care of yourself, you can protect yourself from a wide variety of diseases. God bless you!

Alice Terentyeva

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