How to accustom themselves to the regime of the day

How to accustom themselves to the regime of the day
 Mode of the day - the important thing. If we stick to the right and schedule convenient for you, then life becomes much more orderly, do you have time and feel better. But the problem is that you will not 6 years old: adult accustom themselves to the regime for the three days is not easy. In this regard, it is important to show willpower. If you really decided it was time to improve your life, then you'll get.
 How many people around you complain about something that does not get enough sleep and do not have time to feel sleepy all day, but spend the evening with friends or in a club, sitting up there until midnight? And you are not one of those who are constantly not getting enough sleep? Wrong mode of the day, entailing lack of sleep - a very serious problem. And if you are inclined weekend stay in bed until lunchtime, emptying of the week, then you obviously time to change something. The reason is that the body can not sleep in store.

Make a plan for the day. Think regime that would stick. If something in your life does not give you the ability to maintain their health is normal, go to bed and get up prevents every day at the same time, think about it, and if you want to change it? The fact that human health is damaged by such things as it is known accurately enough to the end of life.

Once the schedule is made, right now start to stick. Lay down early to sleep and wake up on time. If the first time it is impossible to sleep, read a book. Do not start something to chew on, do not go to the Internet to chat with friends, because these actions reduces the feeling of sleep. And tomorrow, get up immediately after the alarm clock - at a time, for some you have got it.

People love to luxuriate in bed for a few minutes, get up in the second or third alarm signal. This habit is simply steals your time. For those few extra minutes or half an hour you still can not make up for the lack of sleep, but lost time in the morning and cause it to lose his regime. Get up, no matter what. If within a few days to wake up early, you will start to fall asleep before without any problems.

To accustom themselves to the regime of the day, you need willpower. As a rule, the habit of a person is formed in the past month. Usually the first 10 days to adhere to innovation quite easily. Everything works like it. Then comes the second 10 days, when everything in you is resisting the new regime. You think, why do I need it? A little bad mood, there is a great temptation to throw this thing. It is important to look at their bad habits in the face. Resist innovations laziness and inertia, but you know something that these changes - for the better. Keep in any way, and if doubts about the feasibility studies visit you more often, the contract with yourself that hang on at least a month, and only then will draw conclusions and think whether to throw it all.

The third decade - the next 10 days - that's where you will find the most serious challenge. You have everything turns out, the second decade of crisis is overcome. You almost went into a rut. And then you have some night time do not go thinking that one day will not solve anything. Because now you have already migrated your body. But for one day is often followed by another, and then another, and then just give up and throw many his regime. It is important to continue, no matter what. Of course, you still may be a little different. Not 30 days, but some other number. But the process of adjusting to a new daily routine for all runs about the same.

A little later, your body will begin to wake up without an alarm clock and - require morning exercise or jogging, if you include this in your regimen, as well as "disengaged" in due time. This means that you are accustomed to the regime.

Tags: routine