Herbs Sleep

 It's no secret that a healthy and proper sleep is needed by all without exception. Especially now, when we switched to winter time, and all of our body can not adapt to this. Often, however, we are faced with the problem of insomnia, which is usually solved with the help of sleeping pills, oblivious to the fact that there is a safer and equally effective means of combating insomnia: medicinal herbs.

Their effect on the human organism was studied long ago, and in Germany, they formally included in the list of drugs. Their advantage over tablets is undeniable: they are natural, have virtually no side effects, and most importantly long-term use does not cause dependence. In this article you will learn about medicinal herbs, on which you'll be able to make a soothing and perfect your tea.

Valerian root

Tea made from valerian root is effective primarily for internal, mental anxiety and sleep disturbance caused by nerve experiences. It can also help with stomach and intestinal problems associated with the nerves. Unfortunately, this "medicine" has a significant drawback: the peculiar smell, so it must be stored in a tightly closed container. For the same reason it is advisable to combine valerian root with other herbs.


Hop flowers contain as main components of bitter tannins and essential oils. It is interesting that with a reduction of bitter substances in hops produced alcohol (metilbutenol). Hop flowers are useful not only in the form of tea. Pads of hops also have hypnotic effect.


Beautiful purple lavender flowers in summer exude a very strong flavor. Therefore, they are part of the classical anxiolytic bath additives or aromatic pads. Tea, infused with lavender flowers, effective at the domestic unrest, insomnia, indigestion, bloating and caused a nervous feelings cardiac disorders.


Thanks to its fragrant smell, also called lemon balm plant. Substance contained in the leaves, has a calming effect, helps sleep and cope with gastrointestinal disorders. However, its impact is not as strong as say in valerian root, so usually Melissa leaves are used in combination with other herbs.

Passionflower (Passiflora)

Flowers are passionflower soporific and effective in states of anxiety, pulmonary and sleep disorders and neurological disorders of the stomach and intestines.

Prepare a herbal tea. Well, if someone has a grass collected his own hands in the summer. If not - on sale you can always find a variety of medicinal drugs:

25 g of flowers of hops
25 g of lavender flowers
25 g of leaves of Melissa
25 g of flowers passionflower

Mix thoroughly dried herbs and pour 150 - 200 ml of boiling water. Let sit for 5-10 minutes.

Hypnotics are still among the most chastoupotrebimym drugs at all. And this despite the fact that is well known for their severe side effects and they cause dependence. So try as much as possible not to use chemicals, and the gifts of nature. After all, nature is not bad advise! If you have your recipes to combat insomnia - contact us!

Tags: grass