Disease prevention and health promotion

Disease prevention and health promotion
 Strong immune system - the key to good health. Raising it, you can halve the number of colds and infectious diseases. Equally important in maintaining health is lifestyle, avoiding harmful habits, exercise, balanced diet.

Everyone knows that the disease is easier to prevent than to cure. But very few people actually engaged in prevention. If a person works in the children, medical facility, or in catering, he is undergoing planned medical examinations. In some cases, it also made preventive inoculations. While most of us are aware of the impending influenza epidemic, no hurry in first aid rooms. About vaccination even say no. To it can be treated differently, that's just the effectiveness of such measures has not been canceled.

It should be attentive to their health so as not to become a target for more serious diseases. Not just doctors require us to do x-rays at least once a year. Some dangerous disease is much easier to treat if detected in the early stages.

Something in terms of prevention we can do ourselves. For example, try to get rid of bad habits, such as smoking, overeating, alcohol abuse. An adult is almost impossible to get to do exercises. But take daily a couple of stops to metro you will probably be able to. Few people realize that this walk can get rid of a dozen potential ailments.

An important topic in health promotion - a balanced diet. Eat more raw fruits and vegetables - they are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals that allow strengthen the immune system. Similarly, there are dairy products, which are favorable for our intestinal microflora. Especially useful goat milk and its products: yogurt, yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese. Be sure to consume fish and seafood are high in phosphorus. It is an indispensable ingredient in a useful but difficult task, as health promotion.

Tags: health, immunity, disease prevention and the promotion