Antisigaretnaya diet

Antisigaretnaya diet
 How to quit smoking if each attempt ends with weight gain? After all, a slim figure will eventually be more health, more so - the consequences of a bad habit is not as noticeable as the absence of a waist. But help in this problem can antisigaretnaya diet. You can use it not only to restrain myself from snacking, which is often compensated by the need to smoke, but also to stabilize the metabolism. After going on with it changes after abstinence from cigarettes is one of the reasons for the appearance of extra pounds.  
 Antisigaretnaya diet is designed not only to maintain a healthy weight, but also to maintain the body, because the menu includes foods that contain a certain amount of nicotine. This eggplant, red and green tomatoes in particular, cauliflower and potatoes. With their help, partially offset by the usual need for nicotine.

First breakfast: a cup of green tea, after 30 minutes, and half a cup of oatmeal skim milk.
Second breakfast: whole fruits to choose from, 20 minutes slice of corn bread.
Lunch: stew sweet pepper, eggplant, carrots, onions and garlic and cabbage salad dressed with olive oil and lemon juice and 200 g of boiled chicken breast or fish. 1 hour after eating a glass of fruit juice or green tea with dried fruits.
Snack: a snack of whole vegetables, such as tomatoes, carrots or bell pepper half, a slice of brown bread. After a 1-1, 5:00 3 dried figs or banana and a cup of green tea.
Dinner: salad of cauliflower, 250 g of fish, steamed or grilled. After a 1-1, 5:00 glass of fresh juice or green tea. Before going to bed a glass of low-fat yogurt.

Observe antisigaretnuyu diet no more than 2 weeks. This time will be enough to discipline yourself a little bit in terms of supply and support the body at an early stage of the struggle with nicotine addiction. After a time it can be repeated. However, green tea, continue to drink 5-6 cups a day. But from black tea and coffee temporarily give up.

To resist the harmful habit, use a set of rules for 6 months. This period is considered to be the most difficult.
Do not put the goal to quit smoking forever. Psychologically, it is difficult and few feasible. Asked such a desire for the day, and plan it in such a way that the time before (a smoke) was as low as possible. Remove from sight all things reminiscent of cigarettes: matches, lighters, ashtrays and so on. As soon as there is a desire to smoke, gnawed seeds, eat nuts, dried fruits, fruit or occupy yourself with something desirable physical work.

Unfortunately not everyone can quit smoking forever. But to attempt to become independent of nicotine on the human forces everyone.

Tags: diet, smoking, addiction, struggle