Good bad food: myths about the dangers of fast food

Good bad food: myths about the dangers of fast food
 Everywhere: on television, newspaper articles and stitches from a doctor stating how dangerous fast food. Modern man, who often eat on the run, is struggling to close on this information, believing that the less you know - sleep tight. What is a fast-food really is and how dangerous it is for ordinary people?

The prototype fast food was a small tavern in ancient Rome, where the weary traveler offered heated by a simple and hearty meal. Pioneers of fast food in our time were Americans who are already in the 30s of last century, visitors were treated to burgers and fries. But keep in mind that the composition of these burgers in the early twentieth century was significantly different from the current one. Despite this, all kinds of fast food restaurants do not lose popularity. Just because it's convenient.

In any establishment that sells fast food, there are relatively healthy food. For example, all kinds of salads and sandwiches with fresh ingredients. Do not think that all the burgers cooked on a second-class fats, moreover, re-use. Self-respecting institution will not risk reputation and poison people. You just need to choose the right place meal.

For fast food are ranked and street treats like shawarma, chebureks and dubious sausages in the test. Remember that on the street there are no sanitary facilities for the proper cooking, so eating there can be only in the most extreme cases.

It is believed that the very fast food calories and therefore is hazardous to health and may lead to obesity. Of course, no one disputes that the burgers contain a sufficient amount of calories, but because they are created in order to quickly and permanently saturate human. No less calories and homemade cutlet with a bit of sugar slice of bread, washed down with sweet tea. Sometimes even with candy. In any business, especially in the food, you need to know when to stop.

Preservatives and other additives contained in the fast food, of course, have a negative impact on the body. But if you think about how many of the same preservatives we eat with yogurt, cheese products, replace natural cheese, and imported vegetables ... Damage from the same couple of hamburgers eaten a couple of times a month, not much more.

It can be concluded that the damage is not very fast-food, and our relationship to food in general. Choosing exceptionally fast food, we have deliberately thrust himself into the arms of diseases. If the stomach is sometimes indulge favorite potatoes fries, seizing her fresh lettuce leaf, then gastronomic and aesthetic desires will be satisfied.

Tags: food, potatoes, harm, myth, preservative

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